Page 7 of My Lucky Charm

“Next up we have Bryce Gregory in his first ride…”

The announcer gave some specks about the bull and the rider. Apparently, he drew a tough one. Watching as he lowered himself onto the bull and they opened the gate he held on tightly. Each second that passed went by in slow motion. His body was flung wildly back and forth in a valiant effort to not be catapulted off. With his one arm drawn over his head, it looked like he was using it to balance himself.

The crowd's cheers got louder as the clock hit eight seconds. The golden number in bull riding from what I had learned. For being given a difficult bull he didn’t even seem phased by the time that had elapsed. Nicole rushed over to me after a few more riders did their best to hold on. Most only made it a few seconds.

“Cole rides last. He’s the closer tonight. I will say it seemed he was right about that rider of his. The kids got what it takes. Now Cole just needs to convince him.”

Cocking my head to the side I was unsure what she meant. If someone was good at this why would they need to be convinced to ride?

“I’m assuming it was the one who stayed on the whole eight seconds? Why wouldn’t he do it? I mean he stayed on the longest so far. He got a good score too, right?”

“The kid has a lot of family stuff on his shoulders, apparently. But Cole usually gets what he wants. So, you just possibly saw the first ride of a new PBR member. Do you have plans for dinner?”

Without thinking first I shook my head no.

“Good, you're coming out with us to celebrate. Cole already decided.”

Realizing the huge mistake I had just made, I tried to get myself out of it but as Nicole had already said, Cole usually gets what he wants. A few hours later I found myself sitting in a booth at the restaurant listening to Cole about some of his best rides waiting for whoever this new up-and-coming rider was.

Chapter Four


The blood had never flowed so fast through my veins before. My head was spinning as people rushed up to me congratulating me and asking for my autograph. It was overwhelming and electrifying at the same time. Cole was right. There was nothing like a good ride.

When I drew the name of my bull, my stomach dropped. I knew that this particular one had an attitude. After watching my competition ride on less difficult livestock, I knew it would throw me off before I even hit five seconds. Either everyone else sucked or even the easy bulls were in a bucking mood tonight.

My mind cleared as I lowered myself onto the bucking animal, both of us acknowledging I stood no damn chance of staying on long or winning a damn penny in this small competition. The prize wasn’t huge, a few hundred dollars only. It would be enough to cover my dues to start on a professional track though.

That’s all Cole kept reminding me. They wanted me on the team and he could set it up with one call all I had to do was say yes. It was a group of six guys, including Cole, that all rode in the same competitions together. There were back up riders too but one of their main riders got injured on a practice run and wasn’t coming back. That was why Cole was on my case. The practice squad was good, but he said they don’t hold a candle to me. They called themselves the Bruising Buckers. When he propositioned me, only a few minutes after I finished my ride, I told him I needed time to think.

“You can think all you want kid but you’ve got what it takes. I can see it, hell the entire team can. You’re coming out to dinner tonight. If Nicole can’t convince you what a good move this would be, then I guess I’ll have to give up.”

I agreed knowing Rowan would gladly give up spending time together if it meant he got the room to himself for a few uninterrupted hours. He didn’t even ask any questions when I told him I wouldn’t be back.

“Good evening, sir. Do you have reservations?”The hostess smiled, looking me up, and down as she spoke. I couldn’t place my finger on if she was interested or not but I didn’t really care. My mind was on one thing. The blonde-haired beauty I could see across the room sitting across from Cole.

What the hell was she doing here? Better yet why was she sitting at a table with Cole and Nicole? Based on our few interactions I couldn’t figure out if she completely hated me or not. After this morning's run-in, I was leaning towards that she probably would be glad to see me get trampled had she seen me out there today.

“I’m meeting someone,” pointing toward the table she nodded. “I can see myself there. Thanks.”

Swallowing down my dread of having to not only sit near her but also pretend I hadn’t dreamt about her all night seemed impossible. The uncomfortable pressure against my zipper wasn’t helping much either as I walked up to the table. How the hell do you nonchalantly shift yourself while sitting down?

“Bryce! Didn’t think you were going to show.”

Cole nodded toward me as I got within a close enough distance.

“Had to convince my buddy I wasn’t leaving him out of something fun.”

Cole knew I was here with a friend and that my riding was still a complete secret. Though he insisted, that would not last long.

“You already know Nicole, this is an old friend of hers, Hannah. Hannah, this is Bryce, my newest pet project.”

Her head turned and the moment her eyes met mine, they widened and her mouth turned down ever so slightly. She struggled to keep her pleasant smile on her face as she realized who I was.

Hannah. That was her name. Finally, a little more information about this girl. It fit her perfectly. She also looked absolutely amazing. Her blonde locks falling in soft curls, framing her face. There was a touch of makeup on her face now, not a lot but enough to notice her plump lips had a gloss on them. What I wouldn’t give to know if they tasted as good as they looked.

“Nice to meet you, Hannah.”