Page 4 of My Lucky Charm

He laughed, flopping his body onto the bed so white and fluffed it looked like jumping into a cloud.

“Jesus Bryce, I've never seen someone on vacation begging to not go have fun. You’re twenty-one now. Live a little.”

Knocking my boots off my feet I held back the gigantic eye roll I wanted to give him. He knew I wasn’t sitting at home every night wasting my life away. When I wasn’t at the store, I was out in the barn with Evan. If I wasn’t there, then I was usually watching my nieces and nephews. I got out some weekends but most of the time I was so burnt out from working or helping that I crashed into my bed by nine.

I loved my life. Gregory Orchards was a dream world that I got to live in. The only thing that I would have wanted to do more with my life was something no one knew about. Not even my obnoxious best friend Rowan.

Professional bull riding. The world-famous PBR.

It had always fascinated me as a kid. I knew how dangerous it could be and with Devin away in the army I kept the dream to myself. There was no way the family could handle even more stress or danger being added to the mix. Especially not from me since, regardless of my age I was always going to be the baby. The only one who didn’t treat me as such was Lilly.

“Whatever man. A few drinks and I’m out. I swear if you try to bring a girl back here on our first night, I’m kicking you out of this room.”

Rowan scoffed at my remark. “Again, live a little man. You always play it safe and do everything by the rules. One week of fun and being carefree will not kill you.”

It was a slap in the face every single damn time he said it. I always played it safe. That was because I had to. My parents both died when I was six. I barely remembered them honestly. It was more the stories that my siblings shared that stuck with me. My brother, Devin, left for the army when I was nine. Playing it safe meant less worrying for my family.

Finally snapping, I agreed with him. I was done playing it safe. When Claire and Lilly planned this trip for me they asked me where and when I would want to get away. The entire idea was to give me one hundred percent time off.

What they didn’t know is that I had a friend I had met randomly one night when the Rodeo was in town. He told me to call him up if I ever wanted to try my hand at riding. While the offer lit something inside of me, I knew it would be impossible. He insisted I take his number. Even if not to compete just try my hand at it once and see if I had what it took.

So, the next year when he was in town he asked if I had given it any thought. Damn near forced me into the bullpen that night. The rush that I had flow through me was indescribable. It shocked everyone that I had never ridden before. I held it for seven seconds. They didn’t tell me until after that they lied about the one I rode.

“I knew if we told you he was one of our tougher ones you would have gotten in your head kid. That was damn near perfect. You sure you have never ridden before?”

“Never. Just had a lot of stubborn horses growing up.”

From then on when they were in town I’d practice. Refusing to enter any of the open contests. My family would have flipped if they knew what I was doing. I could hear Claire’s voice,‘you could get yourself killed are you out of your mind?’

Pulling out my phone I made a decision that I knew could and most likely would bite me in the ass.

Bryce: I’m in town

Cole: seriously? Don’t tell me you’re finally ready?

Bryce: think I might be.

Cole: fuck yeah! Your family know?

Bryce: nope and with any luck no one will find out.

We went back and forth exchanging details and what I needed to do. It was a small competition. Change in his pocket. For me, a couple hundred would be nice.

“What the hell are you smiling about?”Rowan waited until I was two beers in before acknowledging my change in mood.

“Don’t you worry about it. Just enjoy that I’m not sleeping in that room like I want to.”

I had a big day ahead of me tomorrow.

Chapter Three


I knew I promised myself I would work out this morning. As I rounded the corner where the gym was nestled in the lobby my resolution seemed impossible. Seeing all the perfectly toned bodies lifting weights and running had me second-guessing that decision. There was no way I could go in there without them all looking at me. Their thoughts would fill the room immediately. Why is she bothering? With a stomach like that, thighs that touch, and boobs that even her bra isn’t able to hold up without straining: she needs a good diet or surgery.

Turning away, my only other option was a walk alone outside. The sun was only just coming up. Few people would be out. That was probably my best bet. With my skin-tight leggings hugging every ounce of my body and my snug workout shirt covering enough to still remind me how much I needed this workout I headed toward the front of the lobby.

Looking down at my phone I scrolled, searching for a good playlist. Barely taking two steps forward I found my body colliding against what may as well have been a brick wall. A very warm, muscular, brick wall. Stumbling backward, it took me a second to find my center and gain my balance back.