Page 3 of My Lucky Charm

“Well, it’s complicated why I’m here. So it’s your birthday? Happy birthday.”

“Thanks. My sisters planned the whole thing. Didn’t really have much of a say.”

“Sounds like your sisters just wanted you to have some fun.”Her voice was filled with such sincerity like she knew my sisters already and how wonderful they were.

That was one way to look at it. I turned twenty-one a month ago and still hadn’t gone out for a big party. There was always something to be done. The life of a rancher didn’t allow for a ton of free time. I was still trying to figure out how Devin and Lilly made it work with Molly, Jeremy, and my newest nephew on the way.

The two of them were like a well-oiled machine. They never needed words to communicate their needs, they always just knew. There had been a time when Devin was such an asshole the thought of anyone finding him endearing enough to get married was shocking. Now that the two of them had the horse rescue up and running, they were getting other plans in motion. From what they told me, Devin and my dad had dozens of ideas for things to do around the farm to improve it. When Devin finally sat down with all of us, the list he took out was staggering.

The horse rescue was the first on the list. A surprise for me for my nineteenth birthday. How the hell they pulled off keeping it a secret I still couldn’t figure out. Hunter, Luke, and Evan had told me for years it wasn't a possibility. We didn’t have enough money just sitting around. Then Devin showed up and everything around the farm improved.

Revenue was up, guests were coming back two and three times a week, and everything was just happier. Even on the bad days when everything was breaking and the to-do list was growing, everyone still laughed and joked around. It wasn’t a place I ever wanted to leave.

“I guess. Can’t imagine how much work I’m going back to.”

Shoving my hands in my pockets I immediately started making a mental list of things I probably had waiting for me back home. Not that my family needed me the same way as my other brothers. I had my strengths, like helping Evan with the animals. He counted on me to deal with the milking and grooming daily. Plus, Thursday was always a rough day having to prep for guests.

The elevator jolted to a stop as it reached the fifth floor. So now I knew which floor she was staying on. Two below me. Without thinking, I stepped off the elevator with her.

“Is this your floor too? You pressed the seven when you got on.” She looked back at me pensively. My hand brushed the stubble that had been growing on my chin.

“No. Uh, it didn’t feel right being that it’s late to not make sure you got to your room safe.”

Her hand rose to her hip as she took a step away from me. The distance felt like a crime was being committed and I didn’t even know why.

“Oh, I’m not inviting you in if that’s what you were hoping for. I’m not interested in… I don’t dothatwith guys I just met on an elevator.”Complete hatred suddenly replaced the inquisitive tone she held in the elevator.

“Or guys, in general, I just met so, you’re better off just turning around and going back to your friend. I’m sure he probably found a few more girls while you got the room key.”

Pausing it hit me she had been watching me. That was the only plausible way she knew Rowan had been trying to pick up girls all day. The fact that she assumed that was all I was looking for pissed me off.

“Well, Darlin, sorry to burst that bubble but I’m not looking to sleep with some random girls either. I just wanted to make sure you got to your room.” Her jaw hung open as I spoke. Snapping it shut she took a second. Remorse for misreading the situation replaced her previous disgusted look.

Lowering her voice, she distracted herself by looking through her bag. “Sorry I just assumed…”

“Don’t need an apology. Just doing what I was raised to do. You don’t let a pretty girl walk herself to her door at this hour. Poor manners and all that.”

Pulling her card out she walked past only a few sets of doors before she stopped.

“Thanks, I’m right here. I didn’t mean to be such a bi…”

Nodding my head, I cut her off.

“It’s my pleasure darlin’. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

Turning around, I kicked myself all the way back to the elevator for not asking her name. Stepping off the elevator, Rowan had made himself comfortable on the floor outside of our room. Even with his large build pressed against the wall his legs extended blocking most of the hallway.

“What the hell took so long?”

Lifting himself from the floor he dusted off his jeans. I didn’t have an answer that wouldn’t lead to an entire line of questioning that I didn’t feel like subjecting myself to.

“Other people on the elevator. Not my fault they took forever. Do you still expect to go out tonight? You look beat.”

Opening the door, I walked in before him wishing he would give up on this crazy idea he had.

“I’ll be fine, give me a couple of shots and I’ll wake up.”

“While I’m sure some tequila or whiskey may sound tempting, doesn't that bed look like a much better choice?”