Page 5 of My Lucky Charm

“Sorry I wasn’t watching.” Mumbling my apology, I looked up and saw a very hungover man standing in front of me. He looked familiar. Taking a second to figure it out, he was the guy with the chair borrowing, elevator sharing, making me look like an ass, hottie from yesterday.

“Oh, it’s alright sweet thing. I’m sorry, I should keep my eyes open for beautiful girls more often. Didn’t know they can just run right into you. Here I was trying to get girls' attention by the pool.”

“Give it a rest Rowan.”

The hottie, who still remained nameless, strolled up behind his friend with his nose buried in his phone. They both wore cowboy boots and a similar style of clothing. Distressed jeans with their shirts stretched tight over their muscles. Either they came from a ranch or they wanted to look the part.

“Oh, it’s you.”

The way he said it, like his friend was crazy to be looking at me, stung. I knew he wasn’t interested. Based on who I saw his friend talking to I would have been lucky to even be a second choice. It was something I was used to. Also, a big factor of why it shocked me when Felix asked me out. It was all a cosmic fuck you directed straight at me.

“Morning to you too. Sorry I’ll just be on my way.”

Moving around them they just stared at me. A gesture I was used to. They wouldn’t be chasing me to ask my name or for my number. The most that would occur was a breath of relief would exit their lungs that I didn’t make it any more awkward than it needed to be.I was used to men not flocking to me. On a normal day, prior to the Felix situation, it wouldn’t have bothered me.

Outside it was already warm. Perfect weather to walk a few miles and forget what a mess my life had become. There were posters plastered on every surface possible, catching my eye more than once. There was a rodeo in town. Seemed interesting. Maybe a good way to remember I wasn’t the only cow around this place.

Yes, I was having one of those days. The one where no amount of compliments was going to get me out of my self-deprecating funk. It would pass, it always did.

The posters seemed appealing. Farms always fascinated me. The animals were adorable. It was only in town for two days and it would give me something to do besides reading. Snapping a photo of the place and times, I decided that would be my activity for the day. Who knows, maybe some cowboy would take pity on me and sweep me off my feet.

Laughing to myself the idea that I would walk away from my solo self-pity - my boyfriend slept with my best friend- vacation, with the perfect cowboy sweeping me off my feet, sounded like a made-for-TV movie. It was nice to fantasize about but the reality was, that would not happen. Not to someone like me.

“No way in hell! Hannah Denson is that you?”

The only thing worse than being on this solo vacation was being recognized while on this embarrassing endeavor. Swiveling my body, I plastered a smile on my face. Completely unaware of who was behind me.

“Oh em g it is you. I haven’t seen you since graduation. Come here. You look so good.” Wrapping her arms around me, I instantly relaxed, my shoulders falling back as my arms wrapped around for the hug. Nicole Morris, was one of my best friends growing up. She went off to college, and I went off to find my calling and we lost touch.

“What a small world! I can’t believe it’s you. What brings you to town girlie?”

She was much prettier than I remembered and a lot skinnier too. Tugging my shirt down a bit, I wished I had worn more clothing. Today, where I lacked self-confidence, I made up for it with my attitude and sassy personality.

“Just taking a little vacation. What about you? You look radiant. I love what you did with your hair. I almost didn’t recognize you.”

She blushed and shook her head, as she always did. She was just as bad at accepting compliments as I was.

“The rodeo. My fiancé likes to do these rides every so often. Helps keep him grounded, he says. Whatever that means.”

My eyes naturally floated down to her hand. Grasping it, I pulled it up closer. The most gorgeous diamond glaring back at me. It wasn’t big and showy but delightfully perfect.

“Congrats. How exciting. I was actually thinking of going today. See what it’s all about. Never actually been to one before. Are they fun?”

Gasping, she held her hand to her chest.“Fun? Girlie, you haven’t had fun until you’ve spent some time with some cowboys. They manage to be the perfect mix of downright dirty and charmingly full of manners all in one breath. I’ll show you around, can even get you back behind the scenes if you’d like.”

“Oh, wow. No, I don't need all that. I just figured I’d see the animals. Maybe see what the big deal was with bull riding. Seems like it’s the main event.”

“It most certainly is. There’s always someone trying to rain on the parade. Claiming animal abuse but I promise I’ve seen how those animals get treated and I honestly wish I had it so good. Not that all rodeos are as good. I can only speak of the ones I’ve been a part of. Here let me give you my number. Let me know when you get to the fairgrounds and I can show you around.”

What started as a day of dread took a different turn than what I expected. We exchanged numbers and a few more excited middle school-style hugs and went on our way. At least now I wouldn’t look like a lost puppy when I got there.

The walk back to the hotel was calming. I took my time praying that I wouldn’t run into the mystery cowboy a third time. The prospect of embarrassing myself again was not appealing in the least. My heart fluttered thinking about the fun I was going to have with Nicole instead. I hadn’t seen Nicole in years but she still made me feel like no time had passed at all.

Taking a shower when I got back to my room I wondered if her fiancé would be as cool as she was. I’m sure he was since she always had such high standards for the guys she was with. Butterflies swirled in my stomach as I thought about having a nice day out. Not wallowing in self-pity and alcohol by the pool.

Sliding on a pair of jeans and a cream-colored peasant top I brought, just in case I decided I needed to dress up a bit, I was ready. Shoes were an obvious choice, my canvas sneakers. I knew I would be walking, and they were the most comfortable thing I had. My hair must have known I needed to look good because for once it lay in perfect soft curls around my head. Pinning two small pieces back to keep it out of my face I was ready to go.

By the time I got to the fairgrounds my stomach was in a knot. There were so many people around all smiling and laughing. Families and couples moving from one event tent to the next. Then there was me. Standing alone, unsure if I should start walking around or be a burden on Nicole. Just as the thought of not bothering her crossed my mind I heard her calling my name and waving her arm to get my attention through the crowd.