Page 31 of The Edge

“I understand, my life is on the line no matter what I do. Where do we find this mage? Is there one here that can help me?”

‘’There is one, but it's a long journey to reach him. He lives beyond the forbidden forest close to the wolves.

“Can we just summon him or something, open a portal?”

No! This Mage is hard to find, he will appear to you when you need him. He will not be summoned; he wouldn't come anyway.”

I stood then; I must go to him then.”

Z stood then; “Aykiz you do realize we have to cross into the enemy’s territory to get to this Mage? I don't think this is a good idea. This is crazy.”

Looking at my father I knew this was the only way. This journey must start so can I finish this once and for all. Too many people have sacrificed their lives for me.”

“Aykiz, we need a well thought out plan first.”

“We don't even know the spell will work or what can happen to you.” My father walks over to his desk, pulls out a leather-bound scroll and walks over to me. He hands me the scroll.

“This is the spell Aykiz, read it and remember it and don't let it out of your sight.”

Opening the scroll, it's like one of the old-time looking ones you see in movies, it looks fragile. I look over at Zadkiel, he scoots closer to me.

Blood of Royal blood flow within me,

while the dragons sleep let my blood seep

break what holds the land asleep, let them be free!


After reading the spell that will release the dragons and surrounding kingdoms from Morgana's spell, it doesn't seem to be bad,” Z states

“Yes! It very well could be bad; we don't know how much blood will need to be spilled of Aykiz for the spell to break.”

“Right! How do we find out?” I whispered out loud.

I am hoping the mage can tell you, with his help and your blood the spell should break, Kalypso can read the future, she might be able to see what could happen?”

Let’s get her in here already, what are we waiting for?” Z to stood up walking to the door. Kalypso, we need you in here.” Z announced

Kalypso walked in bowing, “My king, how may I be of service?”

“Will you do a reading for Aykiz?’’

‘’Yes, my lord.”

Kalypso walked over and sat before me; “May I have your hands, Aykiz?”

Kalypso pulled out a small dagger, “I need a drop of your blood Aykiz.”

Nodding my understanding I held my hands out to her, she pricked my finger drawing out a drop of blood. Kalypso swiped the drop on her finger bring it to her mouth. Reaching for my hands closing hers around mine and closed her eyes and began to whisper something only she could hear. Kalypso eyes change colors as she looks at me, warmth spreads through my hands flowing through my body. We were no longer in my father study, the room around us becomes a battlefield, um’ Kalypso what is happening?”

“Shh! My princes it is all right, this is just a vision.” I begin to look around and see hundreds of soldiers battling wolves.

They are surrounded by thousands of them, how can there be that many wolves? “Princess looks over there by the trees.

I glance over to the trees only to see me, I was fighting a giant wolf, the biggest wolf I've ever seen, well besides the ones in twilight. Those were not real though; these ones are very much real. I rush the wolf hitting the ground sliding under it with my daggers raised towards its belly. I slice through, coming out the other side I watch as the wolf falls to the ground.“Wow I’m a bad ass.”

I go to stand up when my chest is pierced by a sword, I drop to my knees looking up to the man who ended my life. Bahltair stood before me with a viscous smile on his face. He pulls the sword free of my chest.