Page 30 of The Edge

‘’Yes, the darkness but you all but checked out Aykiz, No one was home. Z was sitting next to me.

“Your eyes went black and creepy Aykiz. You scared the shit right out of me.”

“Where did you go Aykiz, what happened?” My father demanded.

“I reached for the darkness like you said then I felt fear, but it was exhilarating.”

“You're connected to the darkness Aykiz; you have nothing to fear.

“The darkness will not harm you for you are the princess of darkness.”

“That's good to know, but when I closed my eyes and tried pulling on the darkness, a woman appeared.”

‘’What woman, Aykiz?” Whispered Zadkiel? I didn't see any women.”

“Yes, a woman was standing there,” pointing to the wall.

“A woman who appeared like a shadow. She said her name is Amirah and she has been watching me. I freed the king, the Shadow King.”

‘’ The shadow King, the one that appeared in your bathroom. ‘’Demand my father? ‘’ Yes, the one and the same.” Bane!”

It does make sense now that I think about it, His kingdom was locked under the spell with the Dragons. You're the one that must complete the Prophecy to break the spell, but how did you release him?”

“I don’t know, so many questions without any answers.”

How am I going to break the spell,” standing up I was angry and frustrated? I need to learn how to do this.

Everyone expects me to wave my hands, and all will be well again. I’m Waving my hands around, No one is explaining to me how to do it.” Darkness starts to seep out of my fingers and up my arms, shit I start shaking my hands trying to get the gray black smoke off me only to make it grow.

‘’Aykiz! stop take a breath and calm your mind, you control the darkness, don't let it control you,” my father stepped up to me, placing his hands on mine, grounding me, calming me. The darkness started disappearing from my hands, evaporating into nothing.

“Aykiz you're letting your emotions control you. When you are worried or upset you bring out your abilities. You need to learn to control the darkness without using your emotions playing a role in it.“

“Watch me,” my father held out his hands and darkness poured out. Swirling around in front of me. Hold out your hand Aykiz, see the darkness, the color and the shape. Try keeping your eyes open this time. Once you get the hang of it you will be able to call on the darkness at will.”

Z is sitting in the corner watching from a distance. Taking a deep breath, I visualize the darkness like smoke floating out of my hands, I'm about to give up when a wisp of darkness seeps out of my fingertips, then it is gone. Frustrated at myself for not being able to concentrate.

“I want you to meditate, control your emotions so you can control your powers. You will get it Aykiz. It takes time.”

“Time, we don't have father.”

“Stop Aykiz, stop worrying about Time. All things will happen when they are supposed to.

Sighing! “Right, whatever you say! Now will you explain how I am supposed to break the spell?”

The King!

Aykiz is sitting here, trying to call on the darkness, instead she pulls a shadow walker to her. She is magnificent and powerful; she doesn't even know it. When she can control her powers, she will be a force to be reckoned with, I just hope she will be our savior and not our destruction. “The spell is complicated, Aykiz.” Walking over to the whiskey that has come to be my only comfort in these times, I pour myself another glass. We haven’t told anyone what the witch said about the blood flowing through Aykiz veins, more than a drop needs to be spilled. I could lose her. “The spell must be broken by the blood of the chosen one.

‘’Blood, okay so I can just cut my hand and it will be done or what are we talking about here?”

“If that's all it takes then what are we waiting for, Asked Zedkeil?

“It's not that simple, the spell that was used to bound the dragons and the hidden valley was blood magic, strong blood magic. A spell that powerful needs an equal amount of power and blood. We are not sure how much blood needs to be spilled in order to free the dragons and heal this world, just that your blood is needed Aykiz. You are tied to the dragon queen and to this land. We don’t know what will happen to you Aykiz after this spell is broken. You could die for all we know.

Do you know the spell I need?”

“Yes, but you won’t like it!” Blood magic requires a powerful mage to complete the spell, your blood Aykiz is the key. How much blood is unknown, I need you to understand that your life is on the line.