Page 32 of The Edge

I lay there with my blood seeping into the earth, I can see my lips moving saying something. I'm in shock of seeing my brother be the one to end my life. As the vision is getting fuzzy, I look over at Kalypso to see anguish on her face. She's shaking, then with a snap of your fingers we are back in the study. Kalypso is staring at me with shock.

“What did you see?” demanded of my father?

“A great battle my king, with many lives lost.”

My father walks over to take a seat at his desk, do you see if we win?”

“No, my lord the vision was lost after.”

I shake my head at her not to tell the king what we saw. “Visions can change right, Kalypso?” “

Yes!” The Future can change, we must be mindful of our choices,” Kalypso scolded.

“I would like to avoid any more deaths, but with battle comes with lives lost,” confirmed the king. “Aykiz you must train night and day to be prepared to leave in a fortnight. Kalypso have Arkyn and Finan come in here.”

My guards joined us then, with my father and guards hashing out a plan to get me to this mage in hopes of him helping me break this spell. I wish Kalypso could help me, but Kalypso is not strong enough to help me break the spell. I wish she was, so we didn't have to trek through enemy territory and worry about dying before we even reached our destination.

“You will tell no one of this plan. I will bring your brother Drayce with his guards in on the plan. No one else is to know about this, understood?” We agreed and stood to leave.

My father stood then walked over to me, Aykiz may I have a word?”

We will wait outside princess,” bowing to my father, my guards turned leave the room.

“Aykiz, you have been so strong throughout this whole ordeal. I want you to know I'm proud of you. I had this made for you,” handing me a box. I open it to find an outfit made of the same dragon material as my fathers.

“Wow! dad these are amazing.” I Pulled out a Black hood cape with an armed plated dress with leggings.

“The leggings are enchanted to keep you warm in colder weather should there be any. You can pull your hood up and pull the face mask on to help hide your identity. The dragon plated armor will protect you against harm. There is a top that matches the leggings in there,” my father is pointing to the box.

I'm stunned to say the least, “Father theses are bad ass, thank you so much. I have the perfect boots to go with this outfit. Zadkeil is going to freak out. “

My father laughed, yes, he will freak out when he sees what's in his room. I gave him a similar outfit. I want you to be safe Aykiz, but I know there will be times when you will be in danger. I just got you back and now I must send you off to save the world.”Tears filled my father’s eyes as we stood there taking in the reality of what is about to happen. I pulled my father in for a hug.

“When we are done saving this world, we will have plenty of time to catch up dad.”

“Of course, we will Aykiz. We will have time. By the way Aykiz I summoned Bane.”

“Bane, you summoned him. When?”

“Today, I sent out a message. I expect him to show up soon. When he does, I will send for you. You must go to bed, get some rest, you have a long journey ahead of you.”

“Right! Good night.” I turned and walked out of the room.

That night no sleep came to me, I tossed and turned with my mind racing of the upcoming adventure we'll set out on in the coming days. Bane has been summoned to the castle, what will he think of me? He was to be married to Narcissa. Ugh! Why do I care, it's not like we will be married?

Sunshine boomed through my windows long before I would have liked, rolling over pulling the blankets over my head to block out the sun, the pounding on the door would not let me sleep. Why must everyone wake at the crack of dawn? Has no one ever heard of sleeping in?” Groaning I rolled out of bed to answer the annoying person on the other side. Opening the door, I find myself face to face with Drayce,

“Get dressed Aykiz and fast we have no time to waste.”

What? Why? What is going on so early in the morning?”

“We are under attack. We must move out now!

Zedkiel walks in zombie-like and growling, this is torcher Drayce, too early.”

Tell that to the army at our gates. I'm sure they would be happy to come back when you're more awake.” Yelled Drayce. Hurry and dress, pack light and meet me in the study.”

Drayce walked out with his guards following close behind him. Finan poked his head in, my lady we must hurry. Right! I ran around packing what I needed in my pack, dressed in my armor and I attached my daggers at my hips. Zedkiel must have run out to get changed as soon as Drayce announced we were under attack, because he is dressed in a similar fashion as my guards as he walks in. We look like assassins I squeaked.