Page 17 of The Edge

“Z you have no filter. Zip it!

That made my father smirk, looking down at my father at the head of the table.

‘’Can I hear the rest of the story?”

I learned that night was the most painful for my parents, giving me to my aunt to be guarded until the day I turned 17. We were to return to the dark kingdom to prepare me for my powers when I turned 18. Alistar came to the south tower that night, he promised my parents he would guide and protect me. When the day came to bring me home, he would return. I didn't realize I had tears; Intel Z gave me his hankie. They painted a horrible tragic picture of the night I was taken and all the lives that were lost in protecting me, a baby that was supposed to be this savior of dragons and the surrounding realms. ‘’ No pressure or anything.’’

Bhalter my brother and leader of the Dark elite armies started talking

‘’ I suggest we start your training, Aykiz; we don't have much time before the heathens will be at our door begging for an ass whooping.”

Smiling he bowed to his parents and to me, “I will see you bright and early for training, don’t be late. Walking away he called over his shoulder, bring your friend, I'm sure he will need a bit of training himself.”

“I'll be there, said Z with a smile from ear to ear.

Father’’ um I mean my king,”

My father smiled, you may call me father in private my dear, but you must call me my king in presence of others.”

Okay, may I speak about what happened after I passed out?”

What do you mean what happened Aykiz?’’

My King. I had a dream or a vision or something.”

“A vision or dream you say, please tell us Aykiz dear.” said my mom aka the queen.

I explained what happened with Alistair when he took me on a journey of the past. What happened between Thalia and Morana and what Thaila had said before she took her last breath.

“Then it is true, it has come to the day we all have been waiting for and dreaded.” The queen replied in a dreaded tone.

“I also want to know what Thaila meant by mate, can you explain that to me, my King?” Kesha was the one to speak up, my king my queen if I may, I would like to explain this to Aykiz. The king and queen nodded their approval. Kesha began’’

Aykiz, a mate is like a husband. I exploded jumping up from my chair, what? I’m too young for a husband, I just learned I'm a princess and soon to be dragon queen and now I'm supposed to have a husband. We need to pump the brakes here, I turned and walked right out of that room only to slam right into the king. How did he get here so fast?

My father holds onto me, his eyes a burning flame, follow me little one and we will discuss this in private.” My father led me into a room off to the side of the dining hall.

Entering the room, you can tell it held warmth and love. IT smelled like rain and whisky. A fireplace giving out warmth, surrounded by books lining the walls. My father walked to a table holding one of those old whiskey containers. Filling two glasses he walked to me holding out one.

“Um you do know I'm not 21 yet, right?”

“We don’t require you to be 21 here Aykiz plus you look like you could use a drink.” Taking the glass from his hand I took a drink; it burned all the way down chasing away the fear. My father looked at me and said, “Aykiz my daughter, I just got you back and I will not let you go, yes in the prophecy it is said you will have a mate. We do not know who or where this Man is or if he is alive. We will deal with it when it comes. We will take one day at a time and prepare you and this kingdom for war.”

“I don’t think I'm ready for all this father. I want to help and bring peace to all the realms and free the dragons, but how am I supposed to do that?”

“Aykiz you're not alone in this fight. we will help prepare you and stand by your side. Your brothers will train you in combat, your mother the Queen will train you in the spirit realm and I will train you in the dark arts.”

“Can I have another drink please!” my heart was pondering, my vision began to close in on me., I took a seat on the chair closet to the fire.

Pouring me another drink and one for himself my father came to sit next to me. All will be well soon.” We have some time, Aykiz.”

“Let's hope so!”

After the conversation with my father, I returned to my room hoping to understand what this all means. Getting out of this dress and into more comfortable clothes I climbed up on my giant bed. Z came in and climbed up next to me.

“I'm sorry Aykiz, this is a lot to take in huh, I got your back Aykiz, always. we will get through this together.”

I know you do Z and I'm glad you're here with me. I can't believe this is happening.”