Page 16 of The Edge

Z bent over to whisper in my ear, “I bet everything echoes in here huh. Laughing knowing my bestie thought the same thing I did.

The king dressed in head-to-toe black armor with a sword attached to his hip, a black crown with many multi-colored jewels on his head. The king looked serious.

The queen looked like the goddess that she is, dressed in a white gown and gold lining reaching all the way to the floor. A gold jeweled crown upon her head. After the king and queen took their seats with a wave of his hand the king gestured to us to take ours.

Sitting down at the royal table to have dinner with the King and Queen of the dark lands felt like a dream slash nightmare. I was living in one of my fantasy books. This all seems so surreal.

Z was the first to speak, “Aykiz look they have a whole pig on the table with an apple in its mouth.” Giggling at Z, I gazed around the table, taking it all in. This is so surreal.

There was a range of meat from deer to pheasant, bread to pies to mixtures of fruit. Everyone was filling their plates full. It was like medieval times, with tankards filled with wine. I let out a laugh, enjoying the setting. The king cleared his throat and a glare with a hint of a smile shooting down at us.

‘’Aykiz my dear, I would like to interduce you to your brothers, The king pointed to his left; this is your brother Xaxis the next in line for the throne.”

Xaxis nods his head and says, ‘’Welcome home little sister. It's great to finally meet you.”

Nodding my head back, thank you Xaxis. The king goes down the line to Bhaltair the leader of the Elite army, down to Drayce the brother who saved me.

I'm sure you are anxious to hear the truth now?” my father asked.

‘’Yes! I am.


The queen looked me over and with a silent nod she began from the beginning.” I was pregnant with you and only a few weeks away from giving birth. your father the king and I held one of the open grievances, its where the kingdom of our people come to be heard and need help settling disagreements. Halfway through the complaints an older woman came forward and stared at me well, my growing stomach that held you. She pointed and said she shall become the savior or death of us all.”

“Your father stood demanding what she was talking about, what she said, next had her removed and placed in a secure room so we could talk with her. We closed the rest of the day and retired to the room that held the woman. We found out later that she was a seer. The seer watched as we walked into the room with a smile but a scared look on her face.”

Your father demanded to know what she saw, what she said next had us making the steps that put you and your aunt Kesha into the middle world for protection. I looked around and the whole table was silent waiting for the rest of the story. It's more like a nightmare. My father jumped in to finish where my mother left off.

“The old lady said your little girl will bring the ancient ones back and rule as the dragon queen or kill us all, if she survives the death and destruction.” We were pissed and asked her to explain.

The seer told us, the dark princess has enemies near and far that will seek to destroy her and consume her powers. The one who seeked and destroyed the Dragon queen Thaila and the summer fae princess. The one I speak of seeks to destroy your little girl.

We didn’t know we were having a little girl tell the seer confirmed it.

On the night I gave birth to Aykiz, the kingdom was in chaos, our soldiers were fighting the wolves and their alpha Zelos, the puppet of Marona. Ice monsters that were created by the Morana smashed through our warriors like nothing I ever seen before, the wind was howling alongside the wolves, ice and snow brought in the cold. The sky was pitch black. Morana came to kill you before you could kill her, she wanted to steal your power, she wanted to stay powerful and to destroy Faerie. She was so afraid of a child born of royal blood so She killed every child a royal had given birth to, when she came for you, she knew you were the one that would be her demise. The seer told us of this day and said we would need to send you away to protect you.

Morana wouldn't stop till she had killed the one the prophecy spoke off. The seer said an ancient one would come to protect you’’. Alistar came that night; he's the dragon that carried you and Kesha to the falls. Giving you up was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I knew Kesha would protect you and raise you for the role you will play in this world. There's a portal there that takes you to your home on the earth. Alistar has never been seen since the night we gave you to him.

“Alistar came to me in my dreams a week before all this happened, I didn't know then that he was real.”

He came back because you called him to you, only the true dragon queen can do that, the one the prophecy speaks of. All the kingdoms were at war with each other blaming each other until they learned the truth. The truth of you Aykiz.”

“The other kingdoms, do they resent me? I’m sure they are angry that I am the cause of their babies being killed. Will they come after me?”

Well shit, this is getting real and scary.” said Zedkiel.

Looking over at my brothers they all had a serious look about them, they looked downright scary.

“We will protect you Aykiz no matter what happens.” The voice came from my brother Xaixs. I had no doubt about that, they all seemed protective of me already in the short amount of time we’ve been together. Looking around at each of my brothers, each one nodded in agreement.

“The other kingdoms don’t hold this against you Aykiz, they hold it against Morana. They want this land back to normal; some have sided with Morana, so they didn’t starve, the rest have sided with us, joining us in the fight against Morana.” The king explained.

A man came in straight to Xaxis' side and whispered. He stood with fluid and grace, someone that carried power, he looked at me with those pierce gray eyes. A feeling of pure love shown through his eyes.

Please excuse me Princess I see that I am needed, I will see you in the morning,” with that and a bow he looked at our father and said “please excuse me my king, my queen I am needed on our southern borders with that he strode away.

“That was intense, said Z ‘’ he went all warrior like and sexy Aykiz. That was hot’’. Elbowing Z on the side I got him to quit talking.