Page 18 of The Edge

“What did the King say about your mate?”

He said no one knows who or where he is but he's not ready to give me up.

“That’s good, you have a lot to deal with now, you don’t need to worry about a husband.

We must be prepared for War Z. We start training in the morning.”

I'm looking forward to it, said Z. wiggling his eyebrows. All those hot guys working out. Yes please!”

laughing at Z I said I'm sure you are with all those men and muscles.”

Everything happening all at once, it all doesn't seem real.”

“Things will work out Aykiz.” Z gets up, kisses me on the head and says I'm in the next room to yours. Get some sleep my future Queen. I picked up a pillow and chucked it at him. UGH!

Queen? That keeps rolling in my head along with everything else that has happened in the last few hours. I lay there in tears, with my life turned upside down. I guess college is out of the question. I get up and walk to the French doors and open them up to the balcony. Stepping out to get some fresh air. Looking around I see the castle is surrounded by our guards patrolling around. One looks up and nods his head to me. I nod back and look around before heading back in. I climb into bed only to toss in turn into the early hours of day light.

Morning has come before I know it, a pounding on the door wakes me up. UGH! What? I yell. Forgetting where I am. In walks Xaxis my older brother, get up sleepy head it's time.”

Time for what?”

“It's time to train little sister.”

He throws a pair of workout clothes at me. Meet us in the dining hall in 10 mins.”

Getting up out of bed looking at the clothes he gave me, turns out it's my MMA training outfit. Elastic black shorts and black sports bra. huh I didn't pack these. Running through my bathroom routine, I pull my hair up into a ponytail. Grab my sneakers and head out the door. Well, this should be interesting.


Walking into the dining hall I find my brothers and their guards all staring at me. Z walks over with a big smile all excited to work out with these Elite warriors. He looks at me then all the guards then he takes his shirt off and pulls it over my head, “Z what are you doing,”

“You are a distraction honey, are you ready Aykiz to show these men how it's done?” Wiggling his eyebrows.

Z has been my sparing buddy since the beginning of our MMA class.

“Yes, this should be fun.”

Xaxis walks over to me and Z,’’

“Aykiz these warriors will be your personal guards, pointing towards 2 men and a woman walking towards me. You know Finan already. This is Kalypso, she is Kyqiue's sister. She is a witch.”

Kalypso bows to me, my Princess it is an honor, I will protect you with my life.”

Kalypso is 5 '7 tall dressed in a warrior's attire with long blond hair, with dark blue almost purple eyes. The last one walked to me and bows,

“My name is Arkyn my lady.”

Arkyn is at least 6’4 with sandy brown hair, hazel green eyes, tattoos running the length of his arms and peeking out of his shirt by his neck. All of them are dressed in Viking looking clothes, swords and daggers attached to their bodies.

They will be with you wherever you go, Aykiz.”

Everywhere I go? Xaxis, do you think that's necessary?”

Spinning around Xaxis is in my bubble.

“Aykiz, you need to understand how important you are to us and to the surrounding kingdoms. You have enemies everywhere willing to kill you. We must keep you safe. You never know where your enemies could be hiding.”

Your right Xaxis, I'm sorry.”