Page 59 of The Edge

Pack members calling out, why are we under attack, what did we do to have them attack us? It must be because the newcomers, we haven’t had any trouble tell the girl arrived with her warriors, the man was pointing in my direction, make her leave Alpha. We had peace tell she came; this is all her fault. Looking over the crowd of people, seeing how angry and scared they are, they are not wrong, I’m sure they had as much peace as they could. Then we showed up, it’s my fault

‘’Silence, the blood pearl pack have been causing chaos for years throughout the land, they want to take over the kingdoms making us slaves. We will not bow down to them, this is not her fault.

“Everyone back to your homes, stay in groups and report anything out of the ordinary. Do I make myself clear?” Around Yes Sir and Yes Alpha was heard throughout the group. Let’s go inside Aykiz and get cleaned up. Walking into the den seeing everyone standing around covered in blood, looking pissed and exhausted. “I will go to Ezra, Drayce why don’t you all get cleaned up. We have a lot to discuss.” I will come trade out with you after I am freshened up. Drayce explained in a worn out tried voice, he turned to go back straight head heled high but deep down you can see how defeated he feels. Hell, I feel it, when will we get a break. One friend after another getting knocked down, I fear Ezra won’t be the last either.

Ezra was placed in his room, his chest was wrapped, breathing was shallow but steady. His color was off, I think a ghost had more color than him. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I sat down beside him, reaching for his hand holding it in mine.

Kalypso, how is he? Will he be, okay?”

‘’Ezra will heal, but it will take time, his body needs to rest, I gave him an elixir that will help in the healing process.

‘’We need to get packed, we leave in the morning’’ whispered Dryace.

‘’Wait, we can't leave Ezra here.”

He will have to stay and join us when he’s healed.

‘’I don’t want to leave him, Drayce.”

‘’You have no choice Aykiz, we stayed too long’’

“Yes, your right about that. We brought all this here; chaos follows us everywhere we go.”

Kalypso, you will stay here with him, once he is able to get on his feet, join us’’. Send a message to Kyique letting him know what's going on.”

‘’Yes of course my lord’’ Kalypso looked over at me, I will take care of him Aykiz I promise. Go and take care of this shit, we will meet up with you soon.”

Finan, let's get ready, Aykiz say what you need to and go pack.”

Bending down to Ezra side, pressing a kiss to his cheek, heal up and come find us. I’ll see you soon.”

Standing, I went to go pack, do a quick wash and find Drayce. He was sitting by the fire with Elijah, whiskey in hand.

“All packed Drayce, I'm ready when you are.”

‘’ Good, we will set out before daylight.

“Have a seat Aykiz and have a drink.” ‘’Elijah stood pouring me a glass of whiskey, reaching out to take the glass our fingers brushed causing a zap of electricity to flow through our fingers. Looking up at Elijah, his face resembles mine, a look of shock and confusion. What was that?”

Elijah winked at me, our bond connecting.

Right! Our bond, how far can we communicate? I want to be able to contact you.”

“The farther the distance the harder it is, a lot of concentration and practice would help strengthen the connection. We can try connecting throughout the time you're traveling; see how far we can go. I rather know where you all are just in case you need me.”

Our eyes connected in understanding, our bond is getting stronger, so is the attraction. Elijah is easy on the eyes, but my fate is running a different direction, plus there's Ezra.

‘’I would like to say goodbye to Arcadia before we leave in the morning if that’s alright.”

. ‘’She will be there in the morning along with Alice, she is with her at her cottage, she loves old Alice and spends a lot of time with her, she’s a good role model for her’’.

‘’What happen to her mother?’’ I asked him.

Elijah cleared his throat, having a far off look in his eyes, ‘’Ascena and I grew up together, childhood sweethearts, we fell in love, got married and had Arcadia. ‘’When Arcadia was 5 summers old, Ascena would go collect wildflowers to have a fresh batch sitting on the table at least once a week, that morning Ascena saw the flowers were wilted and dying’’

I asked her to wait for me and I would go with her to collect the flowers. I had Alpha business to attend too that morning, we had more rouges passing through lately. Ascena was headstrong and stubborn, she said she would take a guard with her and wouldn't go far. I agreed to let her go if she took a couple guards with her. I kissed her goodbye and walked out the door, not knowing that was the last time I would see her alive, by mid-morning came around, Ascena wasn't home, and no one had seen her or the guards. Alice had Arcadia that morning, teaching her to make cookies. ‘’Tears filled his eyes, Elijah stood refilling his glass of whiskey, with his back towards us, he finished his story.

My beta and I went looking for her, we went to her normal areas, she wasn't there, only her scent along with a hint of blood. We shifted to better find her trail, thinking she probably fell or something, she would do something like that, she could be clumsy, we followed her trail where we found her lying on the ground, unmoving, I shifted, going to her feeling for a pulse, only there wasn't one. She had been murdered. Elijah kept his back turned but you could tell the pain in his face and tense of his shoulders. Wolves from the Blood Pearl Pack. They were searching for a new territory to take over, they didn't care who they had to kill to get it. I carried her back home, I no sooner laid her to rest and Zelos came on to my land, Elijah turned looking over his shoulder, his eyes glowing, his wolf was close. I would have killed him, if his mage didn't transport him out of here. The next time I see him, he's a dead man’’.