Page 58 of The Edge

I pull on my darkness, wrapping it around me, letting it consume me, my eyes turn black, the electricity pulsing around us, causing our hair to float about, Kalypso lights up, arms stretched ready to throw down some lightning bolts.

Let's take this fight to them. I demanded.

‘’I’m ready Aykiz, walking towards the wolves, Kalypso throws some balls of light at them, searing the closest wolves. Darkness flows out of my hands, as the wolves advance towards us. There are ten wolves, ready to eat us alive, or better yet they will be cooked alive if Kalypso has anything to say about it. We run towards them as they come at us, my blood is boiling, my heart pounding, I'm done with these guys.

‘’Aykiz, we are almost there.”

Elijah there’s twenty wolves, well less now, Kalypso just cooked one.’

Darkness pours out wrapping around the wolf closest to me, squeezing the life from it. Balls of blue, red and orange being thrown left and right from Kalypso. Two wolves advance towards us, snapping and growling. “Alright you mutts, let’s dance”, sending the darkness out with intent on taking them both out, the wolves are dogging left and right staying away from my darkness, I pull out my daggers coating them with darkness, throwing them right at the wolf closest to me, one made its mark hitting him right in the chest, the second wolf was lucky, my dagger missed its mark, that only gave him time to advance closer to me, getting in my stance ready to battle this thing, teeth barred drool dripping down its muzzle, growling at me. “Do you speak, wolf? You understand me don't ya? Give Zelos a message for me, tell him he's next.”

That pissed him off, he lunged at me, now locked in battle with this wolf, teeth and claws raking down my chest and arms, I’m holding his face away from me, not wanting him to bite me, that shit hurts, squeezing his face surrounding him with darkness, stealing his breath away, the wolf struggles trying to get away from me. I let him go, darkness still wrapped around his face, he's rolling around trying to scratch off the goo of blackness consuming him.

‘’Elijah, a little help here, where the hell are you guys?’’

Kalypso was a badass, taking down wolves left and right, you would think they were multiplying, there was more in the meadow now. Getting distracted I was hit from behind, teeth dug deep into my shoulder, I let out a scream, knocked to the ground.

‘’I’m here’’, The weight of the wolf was removed, holding the spot between my neck and my shoulder, looking up I saw a large black wolf fighting a gray wolf just as big, teeth barred the fight was on, they were rolling around biting each other. Elijah and my guys had made it, all battling a wolf or two, swords drawn, men turning into wolves. Kalypso ran towards me, Aykiz shit let me see, removing my hands, her hands replaced mine, the warmth spreading throughout my wounds healing them from the inside and out. Stealing a breath from me, it hurt like hell but felt good at the same time. ‘’Thank you, Kalypso, are you okay?’’

‘’Yes, I’m alright, a little drained but good.”

A grunt in pain, causing us to look up, Ezra was down, a man standing above him pulling a sword from his chest.

That's when everything went dark, I didn't have control over my body, all I saw was darkness, this time letting it consume me, mind and body. These wolves will not survive. I don't see the rise and fall of Ezra breathing, he's Dead! I unleash all I have in me, coating the ground, wrapping around the enemy, the man that killed Ezra is going to die, my heart is pounding, drowning out the wines coming from the wolves cowering down from me. No mercy, these mutts came at us, they killed Ezra, they will pay for this. The ground shook, clouds rumbled in, lighting struck. I was pissed and my targets were in front of me. The darkness slithering across the ground like a snake wrapping the wolves in a cloak of death.

Lifting one in the air, with the aid of blacky my new friend called darkness. The wolves' eyes were huge, gasping for air, “see your friends there, they are dead. you made a mistake coming after me, now you will go to Zelos and Morana and tell them I’m coming for them.” Dropping him to the ground, gasping for breath, getting up on all fours, he ran off deep into the forest. A voice was speaking to me, calling me back.

‘’Aykiz, come back to me, everyone is okay.” Elijah is standing beside me with only shorts on, covered in blood, hands up in a friendly gesture, Ezra is going to be okay Aykiz, look see his chest rising, listen to his heartbeat.“

I can't seem to get my emotions under control, I'm pissed and scared at the same time. Tears rolling down my face, shaking with fear, Elijah steps forward, placing his hands on mine. “Aykiz, I got you, it's going to be okay, come back to me.”

Elijah pulled me into him, his arms wrapped around me, I fought at first not wanting to be touched. “You're safe Aykiz, we are all okay, breathe baby.”

Listening to his hypnotic voice pulling me back from the Edge of darkness. Breathing him in, feeling his strength, his calmness.

The rain stopped, clouds retreated, opening to blue skies. Looking up at Elijah, I don't know what was happening. ‘’All is well princess, you protected all of us’’. Looking around I saw my friends and my brother standing there covered in bite marks and blood, some with fear in their faces and some with astonishment. “Ezra, I need to go to him, running over to where Kalypso is working her magic over him, Ezra can you hear me?’’

Ezra eyes fluttered open, ‘’Aykiz! Are you okay?”

Well, I was a little pissed off that you were dead, and kind of took the rest of them out. Now that you're not dead even though you look like death warmed over, I'm okay.”

We need to get him back to the pack house so he can recover, Elijah, can you get some warriors to carry him back?’’

Elijah didn't have to say anything but look at a warrior that's tall as a redwood, he walked over with the help of a few warriors, they were able to lift him and carry him back.

‘’Aykiz, that was some scary shit you did back there, I wasn’t sure you would be able to come back to us,” Drayce explained in a fearful voice.

Elijah was the only one to reach you, we were stuck where we stood. The darkness floated across the ground like snakes creeping about, latching on to the wolves.” Your one scary princess, I’m glad you’re on our side.’’

I didn't mean to scare anyone Drayce, once I saw Ezra drop to the ground and that guy pulling the sword from his stomach, I couldn't control my anger. I wanted to send them a message. ‘’Well, I think they got it, little sister. Let's get out of here, huh?”


Walking back to the pack house covered in blood got us strange looks for sure, following the warriors carrying Ezra back to the pack house. The pack members came running towards us, what happened Alpha, who did this?”

Standing with Elijah in front of the pack house, he must have done the mind linking thing cause more and more people and wolves came forward.

Elijah raised his voice to be heard over the crowed gathering around. “The pack is under curfew, no one is allowed out of the village. Warriors will be stationed around the perimeter; we were under attack from the blood pearl pack.”