Page 60 of The Edge

Rising from my seat I went to Elijah, hugging him around his waist, ’You will have your revenge Elijah, that I promise you, I'm so sorry about Ascena. Elijah warped his arms around mine, squeezing me back. Elijah cleared his throat, nodded in agreement. Looking around the room, everyone had tears in their eyes, anger brewing beneath the surface. My crew were pissed, another life taken because of Zelos and Moranna. I let go of Elijah turning to leave. “I’m going to check on Ezra, then go to bed. Good night, everyone.

‘’I’ll go contact Kyique, whispered Kyalspo. Good night, everyone. Everyone either said good night or nodded in our direction.

Walking into the room the held the boy that stole my heart, Ezra lying in bed with a knife wound to the chest, apparently fae healing is a thing, get stabbed no problem just sleep it off with some healing elixir, you'll be fine. If you lose too much blood, there isn't much of a chance to regenerate. Thank goodness we stopped the bleeding as fast as we did. Ezra and all my crew have become part of my family in a short amount of time, I don't want to lose any of them. It does seem like our team is becoming shorter, we are down to the three of us now. Hopefully Zadkeil, Arykin and Kyquie will join us sooner, rather than later. I went back into the living room, the guys were still there, taking a seat beside Drayce by the fire. Everyone was quite gazing off into the fire, not ready to go to bed. Kalypso came in a short while later, looking burnt out, “I contacted Kyquie, they will be here soon.”

Jumping up, that's great news, I can't wait to see Zedkiel, I've missed him so much, as soon as Arykin joins Finan I'll be in a bubble again. ‘’

Princess, your stronger now and a good fighter, I’ll try not to keep you in a bubble, but you do as I say to keep you safe, agreed?’’

‘’Yes Finan, Agreed! I have your back just as you have mine Finan, don't forget that either.’’

‘’Of course, not princess, I am honored.’’ Winking at me, you're scary when you're mad.Everyone started laughing at that, causing us all to have a little happiness.

I wasn't expecting for all that to happen, those wolves pissed me off. When that guy that stabbed Ezra, something snapped in me. I don't want any more people dying or getting hurt because of me. I didn't ask for this but I'm going to finish it.”

‘’We will finish it together little sister, you’re not alone in this fight’’Drayce looked at me with pride and determination.

‘’You have an entire pack of Wolves at your back Aykiz, we will be there when the time comes. Confirmed Elijah rising his glass in salute.

Having you all in my corner, gives me more strength and courage to see this through. Thank you, all of you. We should get some sleep before we leave. I stood walking down the hall towards Ezra, seeing he was still unconscious, his breathing was steady, his color seemed improved, less white. Reaching for his hand, I sent out positive energy through to him, hoping some of my energy will speed the healing process on. Kissing his forehead, I whispered, I’ll see you soon. I stood walking out the door to my room hoping to get some sleep before the sun rose. I woke up sitting on the Edge again, looking over. I see Alistar lying beside me gazing out over the waterfall. ‘’Alistar, oh it's so good to see you,” I ran over and hugged him, yes, I hugged a dragon. Alistar laughter vibrated all the way through my bones.

‘’Little one, it is good to see you as well, I see you decided to join me here.”

‘’How I do it is still unknown to me, I guess just wanting to see you was strong enough to transport me here. ‘’How are you doing Alistar?’’

‘’ I am well, no need to worry about me, how is your training going?’

‘’It's going well, there was an attack and Ezra got stabbed, I was so angry, I sent out the darkness and eliminated the wolves. I let one go to give Zelos and Morana a message.’’

‘’What message was that?’’

‘’That I’m coming for them!”

We are leaving in the morning, setting out to find Macian. I hope we find him soon; it would be easier if he would meet us’’. Does he know we are trying to find him?’’

‘’Yes, he knows, and he is trying to meet you, but he must move more frequently to avoid Zelos and Moranna, they are after him as much as they are you. You will meet soon, when the time is right’’.

So, the map to find him, isn't really going to help because he's not going to be there?’’

‘’Keep following the map, he will find you, you must rest, we will talk soon. Alistar blew smoke at me again, this time I woke in the bed at the pack house, sun was just peaking over the horizon. Time to go! Getting up washing my face in the wash bin, dressing in my now blood free dragon scale outfit, my father gifted me. Grabbing my daggers, slipping them in place at my waist, I was ready, as I'll ever be.


Walking out into the living room, Drayce, Finan, and Elijah were standing there talking with Alice. Arcadia was sleeping on the couch.

‘’Good morning princess’’, Finan nodded in my direction.

‘’Good morning Finan, everyone.’’ Alice, thank you for your kindness and great food. I will miss you.”

Alice pulled me into a hug, ‘’You're welcome my dear, please come back to visit soon’’. Smiling with a nod, I walked over to Arcadia, kissing her head,’’ I’ll see you again little warrior, stay safe’’

Standing, walking over to Elijah, thank you for your hospitality, your protection and training.”

‘You will always have my protection and loyalty Aykiz, it was my honor to host your stay, I got you this’’ Elijah handed me something wrapped in black silk. I unwrapped it and unveiled the most beautiful carved bow I've ever seen with arrows to match.

‘’Wow Elijah, this is beautiful, I don't know what to say.’’

‘’ I carved it myself for you, may your arrow fly straight, and your aim be true.’’ Elijah reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, stay safe Aykiz.