Page 34 of The Edge

“We should be over there fighting alongside our brothers, not guarding this door that hasn't been moved in more than a decade.”

“You heard our orders Sam we are to stay put in case the princess escapes.”

Well at least we know whose side these guards are on. Finan slipped through followed by Arkyn. They took out the guards in a swift movement that left them unconscious. Finan and Arkyn tied the men up and dragged them to a garden shed, someone will come looking for them soon enough, grunted Arkyn.

Once it was clear for us to come out, we stepped through the door only to pause listening to the sound of battle. A booming sound shook the ground causing smoke to rise in the distance.

“We must go, hurry now. Follow me,” demanded Finan.

We ran for what seemed like hours, we reached the edge of the kingdom when a group of wolves came out of the forest. The guards surrounded us by putting Drayce, Zedkiel and me in the middle. Swords were drawn waiting to see who would attack first. I drew my daggers in case I had to face one of those wolves. The drool dripping from their mouths with the rumbling growl coming from them only proved how determined they were to take us out.

The first wolf lunged towards Arkyn, with intent to take out his throat, Arkyn sidestepped, swinging his sword down to chop off the head of the wolf. That's all it took then we were battling the wolves from all sides. We were stuck in the middle watching our guards fight these bloodthirsty creatures when one snuck in between Zedkiel and I, teeth bared blood mixed in with drool dripping down his muzzle. Its eyes fixated on me, like I was a juicy steak.

“Hello princess, this time you won't get away from us, my master was very displeased.”

“Awe did you get into trouble with your master, Poor little puppy.” that pissed him off.

I got into my stance ready to take on this wolf, when he lunged for me with an impact knocking me to the ground, he was trying to bite any part of me and he was doing a good job of it, he latched on my arm that was holding the dagger, I screamed in pain. A look of confusion came across his face, with my left hand I plunged my dagger into his chest. The wolf collapsed on top of me. I look over to see Zedkeil is fighting off his own wolf. Zedkeil slides his dagger in the wolf side, causing it to drop. Once Z was less occupied, I yelled,

“Ugh Z, a little help over here. Z pulled the creature off me only to fall on his butt beside me. Looking around I see we all fared well. Only a few cuts and bite marks, we were ok. Zedkeil looks over at me with a smile, “all that blood looks good on Aykiz, it really brings out your eyes.” Laughing at Z, Ezra walks over offering me his hand.

Reaching out grasping Ezra hand, standing there looking at him noticing the bite mark on his arm. “Are you okay? You've been bitten” Ezra looked down at his arm, shrugging his shoulders like it wasn’t a big deal.

“I’m fine! I should be asking you the same thing,” Ezra glancing at my arm. I look down at my right arm notice the perfect set of teeth etched into my skin. Clearing his throat Finan walks over, looks me up and down, “we need to clean you up, but not here.” Finan ripped a piece of his shirt off, wrapping my arm. “This will have to do for now”

“We need to move away from here as fast as we can and find a place for the night.” Drayce explained walking over putting his arm around me, “blood looks good on you little sister makes you look like a badass.”

“Ugh, yeah!” I’m looking over my clothes noticing all the blood, if my clothes look this bad, I could only imagine what the rest of me look like. Our group came together all of us taking in each other appearance, satisfied everyone was well enough, we began our hike through the woods well into the dark, soon we came across a cave inside a mountain. Taking a seat outside the cave while the guys made sure no other creature was lurking inside, taking a deep breath listening to the world around me, you could hear the river rushing by a squirrel chattering in the tree above me with a light breeze carrying the sound of the forest, animals running wild scurrying home from a day’s worth of playing.

“The cave is clear, we will stay here tonight, we’ll take guard duty in shifts. Kyique, Arkyn go down to the river and get some water so we can clean up. “

I'll go with them, I need to wash up, Z spoke up...

“Stay close to the warriors Z’, commanded Drayce.

‘’Aye aye captain’’ joked Zadkiel.

Walking into the cave, we found our spots while Finan started a fire.

“Aykiz lets see that arm, Finan unwrapped the cloth and ripping my sleeve open showed the wolf teeth marks. Arkyn brought over the water while Finan worked on cleaning me up, Arkyn worked on Ezra. Everyone took their turn cleaning up. “Arkyn you will take first watch, then wake me in a couple hours to switch out.”

“Yes Sir! Get some rest,” replied Arkyn

once we were freshly bandaged, we made our beds and let sleep claim us.

Morning came with sounds of the forest coming to life. Animals running around looking for food, birds chirping, squirrels scolding each other. The smell of coffee penetrated my nose dragging me from my slumber. Walking towards the fire noticing the men around looking just as tired, sipping coffee. “Who would've thought there was coffee in this world?” I whispered.

“There is one thing we did bring back with us from your world was coffee. It's bitter and tastes like poop but it gives one a kick of energy,” Kalypso said in an exciting voice.

“Have you tried chocolate yet? It tastes like heaven.”

“I haven't had the pleasure princess, but I would like to try this heaven you call chocolate.”

I dig around in my bag and come up with a kit kat bar. I break off a piece and hand it to her. Kalypso takes it from me and pops it in her mouth with a moan, this is heaven.”

‘’Yes, I agree, just wait till you try donuts,” wiggling my eyebrows at her.

I began to tell her all about earth junk food as we packed up for the day journey ahead of us. “When this is all over, we must go to earth. I want to try junk food,” demand Kalypso.