Page 35 of The Edge

Giggling, we will try everything when this is over.”

Finan, Kyique and Arkyn were ahead of us while Ezra and Drayce were behind Z, Kalypso and me were in the middle. “

I always seem to be in the middle. I tell Z, ‘’you're the princess and savior of this kingdom, waving his arm around gesturing the world we are in now. “Aykiz, you have to be kept safe.”

Smiling at Zedkiel, it's annoying, I can protect myself and help protect you all too.”

“I know you can, you badass warrior woman.”

Shaking my head at Zedkiel and his silliness, “We should stop off at the river to wash. I would like to get this blood off me before someone sees us.”

Hey! can we take a few minutes at the river?”

Finan looked around, nodding at me, “yes but we shouldn’t stay long.” We rode down the road finding a clearing, “I’m going down the river to wash, advert your eyes gentle man.”

“Kalypso go with Aykiz; we will be on guard.” Finan nodded towards us.

Ezra walked over to me raising his hand to brush back my hair tucking it behind my ear, “Stay close!”

I let out a breath, we will be okay!” Smiling, I walked out towards the river with Kalypso by myside.

Kalypso and I took turns changing out of our clothes and walking into the river. The water felt refreshing just right, not to cold. I was chest deep dipping my head back when I got this feeling goose bumps rose over my arms, someone was watching me, I looked around but didn't see anything but a rabbit chewing grass. Thinking I must be losing my mind, I began to wash my hair when I felt this tingling up my spine. I look around to see Kalypso washing and the guys standing with their backs to us. I didn’t see anyone but that doesn’t mean someone isn’t out there watching and waiting. “I’m done Kalypso, I’m getting out.”

I’m done too!” she was looking around now too.

“Do you feel like someone is watching us Kalypso?”

“Yes, no make any sudden movements just get dressed, we don’t want to alert whoever is out there.” Nodding at her letting her know I understand. We dry off and dress as fast as we can.

“All clear gentleman, we are decent.” I holler out to the guys.

They all turned around, their eyes searching the area. “Pack up! Let’s head out of here!” muttered Finan

We packed up, walking down the trail, I feel it again, the tingling starts at the base of my back and runs up my spine. I look behind me, but don't see anything out of the ordinary.I search the woods behind me scanning the perimeter, His eyes bring me to a stop staring into the flame-colored eyes. My heart begins to pound, he’s standing there in the shadows watching, he doesn’t move or speak

“Hey Z, wait up!

“Hey buttercup what's up?

I kept getting these feelings like someone is watching me, when I looked around, I didn’t see anyone, but just now I swear I saw flaming eyes starring back at me through the trees.”

Are you developing Spidey senses now Aykiz,” laughed Z. “it's just your nerves?

“I don't know Z, this felt too real.”

The girl looked right at him locking her eyes with his own. Bane froze locking his gaze on the princess, she shouldn’t be able to see him. He pulled on the shadows closer to cloak him. He needed to stay hidden intel she needed him. He kept the enemy off her back when they began to get closer to her. He needed her to find the mage and break the spell so he could walk on fae lands once again. For century’s the shadow realm became his domain. Now that the savior is here, he has the chance to come back.

“Enjoy the view Aykiz and if anyone pops up then they will get knocked down. Think positive sweetheart. We need a lot of positive vibes here; I would rather not deal with any nastier dogs.”

Wolves Z, they are wolves.”

“Ok whatever you say.”

I spaced out looking around at how this part of the land was flourishing compared to some of the other land. Why is this land so bountiful its lush with green life everywhere? Berries and apples on bushes and trees. I stop to pick an apple off the tree, “hey guys! we should grab more of these apples. who knows when we will get food again?”

When my bag was full of apples, I grab a cloth for the berries, Ezra grabs my arm stopping me from touching them. “These are poisonous Aykiz; you need to be more careful. These are Nightshade berries, and they are poisonous, look how the plant has oval shaped leaves and bell looking flowers that have purple and green color. The berries start off green then turn to shiny black berries of death.”

Thank you, Ezra, you just saved me again.”