Page 33 of The Edge

Yes! bad ass sexy assassins ‘’stated Zedkeil.

We walked out of my bed chamber surrounded by my guards and best friend. I was determined to finish this and take down Zelos and Morana.

“Why are they attacking now? I thought we had more time.”

‘’We do not know, princess. Growled Arkyn.

We do know they were able to get past our protection barrier without sounding an alarm, someone must have let them pass.

“We have a traitor in the castle princess.”

Hearing Arkyn say we had a traitor made me think of my brother Bahltair. What if he is the traitor? In the vision he stabbed me, bringing to reason he would be the traitor. I had to tell my guards and my father. I should have told my father as soon as I saw the vision, maybe we could have prevented this. No one really wants their sibling to be the one to stab them and turn traitor.

We made it to the study to find Drayce with his guards and our father the King. Once we were all in the study my father began the plan.

“Listen up, we have a small window of time to move you all out, Aykiz you need to find Macian and have him help you break this curse, he's the only one left powerful enough to break this spell. Listen to him Aykiz he knows what he's doing, I have a feeling he will be looking for you as well. Be on guard, all of you stick together.”

“My king and everyone, I must tell you about the vision, something happened in it that I didn't tell you, I just didn't want it to be true. Taking a deep breath, I told everyone what I saw. “Balthair killed me in that vision.”

“What did you say?” Whispered my father.

Repeating what I saw in my vision with Kalypso backing what we saw, everyone was furious. Drayce spoke up, “father then he must be the one to let the enemy across our barriers.

“Why would he do this? What would he gain from all of this? Barked, the King.

“Bhaltair has been angry at Aykiz for a long time, father, angry at you for protecting her. He wants Aykiz dead.

“If this is true that Bhaltair has become our enemy then his head is mine to take, growled my father. The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop. Darkness seeped out into the room surrounding us. Taking a deep breath my father pulled the darkness in.

The door opened and Kesha walked in with my mother, the queen. I ran into Kesha and hugged her fiercely.

“Aykiz my girl, I wish this wasn't happening so fast, I want to take you somewhere safe, I thought I had but it turns out the enemy found you a lot quicker than I hoped.”

“It's alright mom, I will be fine. I must see this through.

“I know Aykiz, but it does not make this any easier. We will be together again soon. I must stay here and protect your mother, the queen.

“I will be safe mom, with my guards and Drayce with his guards. Laughing instead of crying, ‘’We will be a force to be reckoned with mom. Zedkiel walked over and hugged us both.

“We love you mom, and I will protect her with my life, “

I hope that it will not come to that, Zedkiel you will come back to me also. You're my kid just as much as Aykiz is. You both will come back to me; do you hear me?

“Yes, ma’am we do.”

we were walking out the door when my father put a necklace on me. “This will help protect you and find your way back to me. When you are scared, hold onto this and know I will be with you.” Kissing my forehead my father let go of me.

My father opened the trap door in the wall, follow this path it will lead you east of the wall. There will be guards stationed there. Do want you must, we do not know who is on Bhaltair side.”

Finan and Arkyn took the lead with Zedkiel. Drayce stepped up to our mother with a hug and kiss on the cheek, bowing to our father, Drayce went to step through the door when my father pulled him into a hug.

“I am proud of you son; you will make a great king one day.”

Nodding Drayce stepped into the passage, I stepped through the door with one last look at my family, followed by Kyique, Kalypso and Ezra.


The passageway smelled stale, with the help of the torch light you can see the cobwebs and occasional rats running by. We were quite walking down the passageway all you could hear was the sound of our breathing and occasional boom from the fight outside. All too soon we reached the end of the tunnel. Finan turned towards us with his finger raised in a quiet jester, and a nod at Arkyn, they began to open the door of the passage. Once the door was cracked big enough to fit through you could hear the guards outside talking.