Page 25 of The Edge

Aykiz tells us everything. Lucien walks in as I'm about to tell everyone what happened. His eyes locks with mine, looking me over with a look like he was satisfied that I wasn't hurt. The king, Queen and Kesha along with my brother Xaxis are waiting for me to explain.

Itold them how I was falling asleep in the tub and knew I had to get out, but I couldn't. It was like I was being held down, my room was dark, at first, I couldn't see anything, then I felt this energy and I looked up into his eyes.

“Whose eyes Aykiz? Demanded my mother.

“I don't know who he was, I had never seen him before.”

“What did he look like, demanded Lucien?”

“He was tall with a black cloak; he had the hood on. All I could see was flames in his eyes. He asked me who I was. He didn't seem to want to harm me. I didn't get a bad feeling. I told him my name was Aykiz, he looked shocked. I asked who he was and what he was doing in my room, but before he could answer the wolf was there. His red eyes staring me down like he wanted to eat me. The wolf lunged for me, before he could get to me the man cut its head off. That's when I screamed.

I thought I was dreaming again but it was real. Looking at My father, “Who is he?

“He is known as the shadow walker. His name is Bane. How he got into your room is another question.”

’I searched her room! My father looked over at Finan with a promise of retribution.

“My king, it was clear.”

Yes! Well, he was there, Finan.” My father looked murderous.

“He didn't hurt you but protected you. stated’’ Lucien.

Yes, he protected me, he didn't seem to want to hurt me.’’

A knock on the door interrupted the conversation. An elite Guard came in and bowed, my King, my Queen. “

We found no traces of an intruder. The castle is clear. Guards did find wolf tracks near the west gate. I sent out a patrol and doubled the guards.”

‘’Thank you, Callen. I want to be notified immediately with any news, demanded my father. Bowing, Callen whispered ‘’Yes, my king’’.

Who is Bane, I wondered?”

Lucien was the first to answer, Bane is known as Wolfsbane, He hasn't been seen in years. Lucien looked like he was lost in thought. Bane was a friend to the dragons and an ally, He fought for Queen Talia. He’s the King of the Shadow Realm; it borders a hidden valley where the dragons roam. His kingdom fell under the spell that Morona cast. He was here visiting my family when Nari and Talia were killed. Bane disappeared after that.”

“Do you think he was involved in their murders?

Shaking his head Lucien was outraged, ’No Bane wouldn't do that. He loved Talia and Nari. Bane was going to marry Narcissa.

“That is so sad, his heart must have been broken, I whispered’’. No wonder he disappeared.”

Do you think it was like when I went to sleep and woke up on the cliff by the falls?” Looking at Drayce?

“It's possible that you are connected to him in some way that you were able to pull him here to you. I don't know how else he would have been able to get in. He's somewhere close to fighting the wolves, he must be here somewhere.”

Dryace looked over at our father, with a determined look he asked, can you locate him through the shadows now that we know he's close?”

Nodding my father agreed, I will summon him.”

“Kalypso and Kaique will help keep your mind at ease tonight so you can sleep without summoning anyone else. You will work with your mother the Queen in the morning on your abilities, Drayce sees to it that happens.”

‘’Yes, my king! Everyone will need to be ready for what comes, be on guard! With a heavy sigh my parents stood, my father offering his hand for my mother the queen.

Finan, Arykin You three will escort Aykiz to her chambers and you will stay guard at her door and Kalypso will stay inside the chambers.”

Yes, my king as you wish, bowing Finan stood and offered his hand to me. Standing with the help of Finan I walked to my father and hugged him. He pulled me in tighter, I love you kid! Looking me over again to make sure I wasn’t hurt, he Turned away. I saw the tears in his eyes.

Zedkeil, will you stay with me?’’