Page 24 of The Edge

“If you think it is necessary, Finan'’.

“I do my lady.” Finan and Arkyin walked in while Kalypso stayed with me and Z.

Finan and Arkyin returned, it is clear my lady.’’

Thank You Finan. Arykn!”

Goodnight, Princess.’’ replied Arkyn. I'll be on guard tonight if you need me.

Zadkiel reached over and pulled me in a hug, “Aykiz, I'll see you in the morning. Love you girl.

“Love you too Z. Good night!”

Walking into my room straight for the bath, a hot bath sounded amazing. I turned on the water, finding the right temperature to Super-hot, adding some lavender bath oils to help relax, I climbed in ready for a nice soak. I leaned back into the tub, breathing in the aroma of lavender it was intoxicating. Breathing in and out letting the heat and lavender soak into my Exhausted bones, I started to doze off.

I would startle awake and then go back to sleep. I knew I needed to wake up and get out of the tub so I didn't drown but I couldn't move. Looking around I noticed the darkness surrounding me. I'm in my bathroom, but there's someone else here with me, I look around and I feel him before I see him. The figure comes close enough to know that it's a man behind a cloak, his eyes are like flames.

‘’Who are you and what do you want?” I'm going to kick Finan when I see him next, he said my room was clear.

The man stood there staring at me just as confused as me as why he was standing in my bathroom. Look if you don't leave now, I’m going to scream, and my guards will have your head.”

In a deep voice made of whiskey and sin, the kind that makes your toes curl, ‘’Who are you and why am I here?” The stranger asked looking around just as confuse to why he’s standing in my bathroom as I am.

‘’I asked you first, you're in my bathroom.”

He walks towards me and goes to speak when he goes silent and turns to look over his shoulder, I look too and see red blooded eyes locked onto me. It's the same eyes that were staring at me in the woods by the falls... The wolf's eyes. Fuck! fuck wake up Aykiz wake the hell up. I’m trying to climb out of the tub, grabbing onto the sides of the tub only my hands keep slipping. The man turns to me then with shock on his face, before he can say anything the wolf lunges at me. Before he reaches me, the hood man swings his sword at the wolf slicing his head from his shoulders. I'm screaming by then, trying to get away from the man and wolf. I feel hands grabbing me, pulling me away from the man. Aykiz! someone is yelling my name. The man is fading into the darkness. When he is gone, I'm back to being able to move. I look around and see Zedkeil is holding me wrapped in a towel. My room is flooded with Finan, Arkyn and Kalypso with more guards coming through the door with their swords drawn and ready for battle, Aykiz want is happening?”

Why are you screaming?” Demanded Finan.

Didn't you see him Finan?”

“You said my room was clear? I yell at Finan.

“See who my princess?” demanded Finan

“The man in the cloak? His eyes were like flames.”

The wolf almost got me; the man chopped his head off.

“Aykiz, I think you just had a nightmare honey, Z stated

raising my voice, NO Z it was real.

Kalypso spoke then, her eyes glowing, “there is an energy here, someone was in this room with her.”

Arykin looked around the bathroom, stopping when he saw the head of the wolf laying just under the tub.

Finan the princess is telling the truth, holding the head of the wolf up for all to see.”

Everything happened so fast after that. Finan started barking out orders, “search every room in this castle telling the guards. Notify the King and Queen. Princess get dressed, we will give you some privacy. Kalypso will stay with you, then we need to move.”

I was dressed and in the war room with my guards when my father the King walked in straight to me, wrapping me in a hug.

“Are you hurt Aykiz?”

Shaking my head, NO! Kesha walked with my mother, the Queen. “

Aykiz honey are you okay? Reaching for me, pulling me in for a hug. My father transferred me off to my mothers and walked over to the whiskey cabinet, filling up two glasses of liquid courage. My father handed me the whiskey that chases away the fear. Smelling the whiskey reminded me of him. The hooded man with those eyes like fire. Z takes a glass of whiskey too; he pulls me with him to the couch. “