Page 26 of The Edge

Of course, I will honey.”

A throat clears and I look up into Lucien's eyes, “Princess. I do believe Zedkeil should not sleep in your chambers, it wouldn't do well for your reputation.”

Before I could say anything, Z went off. “Aykiz has no fear of me deflowering her, I don't play for that team. Now if you want company then let me know honey.” Wiggling his eyebrows.

Lucien's face was priceless, I giggled looking at Lucien's face did me in. All around there were snickers and giggles.

The rest of the night was uneventful, but busy with guards on patrol inside and outside of the castle. Kalypso was inside my room pacing back and forth.

you’re going to wear a hole in the floor if you keep doing that Kalypso, you might as well get comfortable.”

Kalypso stopped and looked like she couldn't decide whether to sit down or keep going like the energizer bunny. “Come join us and relax, if something happens, I promise you will be the first to be in line to fight.”

Kalypso sat down next to the bed, “Thank you princess.”

I climbed into bed sinking down in a cloud of bliss. Zedkiel laid down beside me, “Sleep Aykiz we will be right here.”

“Sleep? What was that? I don't think I'll be able to sleep. What if I pull him back or something else?”

“Look if you conjure some demon or Mc steamy from beyond, that’s all well and fine. Just take me along with you so I can see too.” Looking at Z with your crazy look, “What I’m just saying is all”

“I will make you something to help you sleep. Kalypso grabbed a pouch from around her neck, reaching inside she pulled out some herbs, she filled a cup up with hot water mixing the herbs in. “Drink this Aykiz, it will help you sleep,” Sipping the mixture, ugh! Yuck! “It tastes like black licorice.”

“Yes, sorry it’s not the best tasting but it will do the trick. Kalypso giggled.


The night was uneventful, I slept fitful, I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I wanted to see Bane again. Walking to my mother’s chambers, I felt anxious and determined. Knocking on the door, the queen opened the door gesturing for me to come in.

“Come in Aykiz and have a seat there on the carpet.”

Walking over to where furs are lining the floor by the fireplace. The lights were off, Candles were lit, the smell of white sage floating around. It created a peaceful atmosphere.

Taking a seat on the furs, my mother joined me sitting across from me.”

“Aykiz, have you meditated before?”

“No, I haven't. “

Nodding in understanding, my mother begins explaining to me how to meditate. “Aykiz closes your eyes, listen in silence and breathe deeply. Let yourself feel the tension flow out of your body, you'll start to notice the range of sensations you feel. Imagine a light pulsing around your body, connecting you to the energy of the universe around you, reach for the energy, feel it, see it!”

I'm breathing in and out deeply, taking in the aroma around me deep into my lungs, As I start to relax all the tension leaves my body. Picturing a light was easy, now seeing it beaming around my body was a little hard. It would burst out like a rocket then disappear.

‘’Slowly Aykiz visualizes the light, feel it pouring out’’ don't force it. Taking a deep breath, I tried again with more determination, streams of light started to flow from my body.‘’Good Aykiz. Now feel the energy. It's like electricity pulsing around you. Reach for it.

Doing as she commands; I reach for this tingling sensation around me. At first, it's just a slight tingle that makes my hair stand on end. I reach for more willing it to be stronger. The energy slams into me with a force to knock me over. Laying there gasping for air, my mother is laughing at me.

“Well, I wasn't expecting you to get it on your first try. Now let's do it again.”

The next couple hours went the same way with my letting the energy slap me silly. On my last try I got it! The energy came to me without much effort this time, I was able to feel it around me. Coursing throughout my body. It felt amazing and terrifying at the same time.

“Now release the energy Aykiz, just let it go.”

Doing so made me feel lost without it but energized. Looking at my mother, the queen, she wore a smile on her face, her eyes were sparkling with pride.

“I am so proud of you Aykiz. You didn’t give up, you kept going. Now we must get you ready for your training with your brothers. You will meet me back here every morning to practice your meditation. We have much to do yet.”

My guards were outside the door when I walked out of my mother’s chambers. “Finan, how are you?”