"Just what?" he growls, crossing his arms and leaning back against the front door.
"I just…" I huff and then hurry on with the speech I rehearsed in front of Lola and Autumn earlier. "I don't know. I'm just not sure this is going to be any fun. The guy's an accountant. Not exactly my type."
It's true. Granger is my type. He's charming and bossy and sweet and filthy and all those things at once. Plus, I grew up with a cop for a father and an army of overprotective uncles right next door. I didn't date. I couldn't because everyone was too afraid of my dad and uncles and brothers. It was the same way for my cousins. If a guy can't handle them, he can't handle me. Most guys can't handle them.
Granger though? I already know Granger wouldn't let them boss him around or run him off. He wouldn't take any crap. He's an alpha just like they are. He gives the orders and expects to be obeyed. I love that about him. He won't back down when it comes to me. That's what I want. Someone willing to fight for me. Not someone who does what he's told.
"What is your type?" Granger asks.
"I like a man who isn't afraid to take charge or get a little dirty." I leave it up to him to decide what I mean by that. "Someone not afraid to do something completely unexpected or spontaneous."
"You like bad boys," Granger says, speculation in his tone.
"Maybe. They can keep up." I think it would be very boring to live life inside the lines.
"And accountants can't?" he asks, his lips curling into an amused smile.
"Probably not," I say.
"Ditch the accountant," he growls, his eyes locked on mine. It's not a suggestion, not really. The look in his eyes makes it clear this is a demand. "You can do better."
"Can I?" I ask, my gaze sweeping across his form before I shrug. "No one else is interested. I might as well give the accountant a chance. Who knows? Maybe he'll surprise me."
With that, I turn on my heel and start up the stairs, adding a little extra sway for his benefit.
It might be my imagination, but I think I hear him growl behind me.
Chapter Five
"Sonofabitch,"I curse, watching as Arwen climbs the stairs, her robe riding up her thighs to reveal even more of those gorgeous legs to my gaze. She's going out with someone else. Someone who, clearly, doesn't get her or what she needs.Someone who isn't me.
Hell no.
Leaning my head back against the wall, I groan loudly. The thought of letting her go out with someone else, withanyoneelse, has my possessive side roaring for blood. She's mine. I'm not letting her go out with anyone else. Not today or any other day.
"You like her."
I peel my eyes open to find Autumn Romano standing in the doorway between the living room and kitchen, eyeing me with a gleam in her dark eyes. Like Arwen, she's a smart girl. But Arwen is innocent in every sense of the word. She sees the best in everyone. Autumn is different. She's been through things that make her see the world a little more clearly. I don't think she trusts me.
"You've been calling her every night, haven't you?" she demands.
Well, fuck.
I freeze like a deer caught in the headlights…not exactly a feeling I'm used to. But then again, I've never been in a situation like this before either. If I tell Autumn the truth, she might kick my ass out the door before I can explain. She's far more intimidating than the petite beauty wreaking havoc on my credit card bill. She's also protective as hell.
"I don't know what game you're playing, but if you hurt her, I will kill you."
"I don't want to hurt her," I say, holding up my hands. Might as well sort that out now. "Hell, Autumn, I don't even know what I'm doing."
"Not enough, clearly," she sniffs, crossing her arms and hitting me with a haughty glare. "She knows it's you."
"Why hasn't she said anything?" I demand, stunned at that revelation. Arwen already knows I'm Tex? Christ Almighty. And she hasn't bludgeoned me with a stiletto? Or worse, called the cops and reported me for stalking?
"Client privacy. She can't approach you, but she wants to."
Fuck me. My baby doll wants me? Even knowing what I've been doing?