"Of course he did," Autumn says, carrying a mug of coffee to the table. "He probably flipped his lid as soon as he realized you weren't working."
Lola laughs quietly, slathering butter on a piece of toast. "He's got it so bad for you."
"What did he say."
"He thanked me for the cupcake I bought him yesterday." I drop a pod into the Keurig and then stick my mug beneath, and hit the button before turning to face my best friends. "And then he asked what I was doing."
"Of course he did." Autumn sighs dramatically. "Do you need more proof that he's Tex?"
"No," I say slowly, shaking my head. Between our conversation yesterday and his texts last night, I'm more certain than ever that my crazy-hot roofer is the same man who has been calling me every night. "I think he's been calling me on purpose."
"Uh, clearly!" Lola cries, an amused smile lighting up her face.
Autumn's brows furrow.
"No way!" I cry as soon as I see them wrinkle. "Don't even say it."
"I wasn't going to say it," she mumbles.
Lola snorts.
"I wasn't," Autumn protests. She doesn't trust easily, especially not men. It makes her overprotective and suspicious of everyone. I love her to death for it, but Granger isn't one of her dad's creepy friends. I don't know why he started calling me instead of asking me out. Maybe some people would find it inappropriate, but I find it kind of…hot.
We got to know each other in a way most people don't. With our identities hidden, we were stripped bare. He knows things about me no one else knows. My deepest desires. My darkest fantasies. I know the same about him. I don't regret that.
Now, I want both sides of him at the same time. I don't want Granger by day and Tex by night. I want every piece of him all the time. And I want him to have every piece of me the same way. No more hiding behind a 1-900 number.
Today, I'm declaring war.
"Hey, Granger," I say, trying not to stare as he steps inside our apartment two hours later, his tool belt around his jean-clad hips, nothing but a white tank covering his torso. His tattooed arms are bare, lines of ink running across the solid muscle. His hair is wild, his jaw scruffy. He looks edible.
"Arwen," he growls, his green eyes flaring with heat as they rake down my body. I'm in nothing but a lingerie robe and a pair of slippers. The robe ends at mid-thigh, leaving my legs completely bare. It's more than I wear sunbathing by the pool, but usually by the time he arrives, I'm in full grad-student gear, ready for class.
"Sorry," I say, blushing as his eyes linger on my legs. "I'm running behind this morning."
"Busy night?" he asks, cocking his head to the side. Mischievous lights gleam in his eyes, almost wicked in their intensity.
My lips curve into a small, mysterious smile in response. He just has to be Tex!
"I need a huge favor from you," I blurt, ready to get on with it.
He nods for me to continue, his eyes riveted on my face. He watches me so intently, as if he's hanging onto every word. I love it so much.
"I’m expecting a call from the spa. Would you mind hanging around inside for a bit in case they call while I'm in the shower? Autumn is heading out, Lola's already off at work, and I don't want to miss it." I plead with wide, innocent eyes, hoping he doesn't tell me no. Technically, he's not supposed to be in here at all. But he's been breaking the rules since he started this job. He doesn't let his crew get away with breaking them though. They aren't allowed to stick a single toe over our threshold.
"Sure thing," he drawls, dipping his head a little in that charming, sexy way of his.
I beam at him and then let my shoulders fall.
"I can't believe I let the girls talk me into this," I mutter under my breath, only partially pretending. Lying to him feels wrong, even though my lie is tiny compared to his. I'm not very good at it. My dad always says I'm too much like my mom. She's not very good at lying either.
"What are they plottin' now?" Granger asks, taking the bait even though a big part of me wishes he wouldn't.
"Oh. They've decided I need to get out from beneath the books for a while and have a little fun. They've set me up on a date tonight." I don't miss the way his eyes immediately narrow, his body tensing. I bravely press on. "I don't really know why I'm complaining. They're right. I haven't had a date in…well, longer than I care to admit." I laugh self-consciously, not willing to admit to this man just how long it's actually been. "I just…"