"Why are you telling me this?" I ask, knowing full well Autumn wouldn't let me anywhere near Arwen if she thought I was a stalker or a creep or a pervert or any of the fifty other things this situation makes me out to be.
"Because you'll be finished here in two days, and she's driving herself insane trying to figure out how to get you to tell her the truth." Autumn rolls her eyes. "You've really messed this up."
"I know. I didn't intend for it to happen."
"Yeah, well, it did." Her sympathetic expression softens her blunt response. "I don't want to know how you found out about her job or why you decided to call instead of asking her out, but if you want her, I suggest you go after her. She isn't going to keep this gig forever, you know. Another week or two, and she'll be done with the hotline for good."
"She has a date."
Autumn laughs, arching a brow. "Afraid of a little ole accountant, Granger? Maybe you aren't right for her after all."
Even knowing she's just trying to get a rise out of me, I grunt, narrowing my eyes. Like hell I'm intimidated by an accountant. Arwen's mine, even if she doesn't know it yet.
"I'm right for her," I say, daring Autumn to disagree. She may have known Arwen longer, but I know her in ways Autumn never will. I know exactly how right for her I can be. And I know Arwen feels it too. She wouldn't still let me in here if she didn't.
"Then I suggest you do something about it." Autumn snags her purse from the back of the couch. "Wouldn't want the accountant to steal her from you, would you?" she calls over her shoulder as she heads back into the kitchen.
I stand at the bottom of the stairs for a long moment, staring up at Arwen's closed door. Autumn's advice rings in my ears, taunting me. If there's even a chance she's right…I'm taking it. I have to take it. Arwen's mine.
Chapter Six
Ipacerestlesslyaroundmy bedroom, waiting for the phone to ring. I'm nervous that this is a bad idea and that it'll blow up in my face, but I'm committed now. Seeing it through is all I can do at this point. But I cannot even begin to describe how much I don't want to be wrong. The thought of Granger and Tex being two entirely different people makes my stomach quiver and churn.
I can't be that wrong, can I?
God, I hope not.
The only reason I've even fallen for Tex isbecauseI'm so sure he's Granger. Phone sex isn't exactly a solid foundation for a relationship. But Tex is the side of Granger no one else gets to see. I like thinking I'm the only one who gets that part of him. I like thinking that he calls me because he wants to give me that part of him. I don't want it to be a coincidence or accident or anything less than intentional.
Maybe that makes me crazy. But it's how I feel.
The phone rings.
"Oh, shoot," I whisper, holding my breath as it rings again and then again.
It cuts off abruptly halfway through the fourth ring.
I expel a heavy breath, relieved Granger answered it, even as knots form in my stomach. He's talking to Emma now, hearing all about the fake Brazilian wax I'm about to have done for a hot date I don't have. He's either jotting the message down in disinterest…or growing hot under the collar.
"Please, please, please," I chant quietly before heading toward the adjoining bathroom to shower. I strip quickly and adjust the water before stepping beneath the spray and allowing the warm water to beat down on me. My thoughts race in circles, but I do my best to tune them out.
Miraculously, the hot water helps clear my mind and calm my racing heart.
By the time I step from the shower, I feel calmer. I hum a little as I wrap the towel around me and step back into my room to dress.
"We need to talk."
I scream as Granger's voice sounds from across the room. I whip my head in that direction to find him leaning against the bedroom door like some angry cowboy, his thumbs hooked into his jean pockets, and his jaw clenched.
"Granger," I squeak and then clear my throat. "You scared me."
"Sorry, baby doll." He dips his head in that sexy, charming way of his.
"W-what are you doing in here?"