Page 70 of Reckless Liar

I glanced at him, my face tight. This was not the time to have this conversation.

“You’re shit-faced,” Xander murmured as he shook his head. Eloise coughed and I felt a jolt of fear for my new area rug. I ran to the kitchen to grab a large mixing bowl.

“Whatever,Alexander. I’m not that drunk,“ Eloise groaned.

“Yes, you are.” He grabbed a blanket off the chair and draped it over her body.

“You didn’t answer my question,” she retorted.

“I don’t need to.” He threw back at her. “You’re too drunk to stand right now, let alone ask those kinds of questions.”

“Why do you care?” she sneered, her temper flaring up. It seemed defensiveness was something that ran through Dana’s side of the family. Eloise was being the same as Max used to be when confronted. She was looking every bit the child she still was. “You’re not my family. You’re not my brother, Xander. You can’t swoop in here with Ana and act like my brother. You’re not Max. No matter what you do, you’ll never measure up to Max.”

Xander leaned back, pain crossing his face. “I know. I’m not...”

“He’s not trying to, Eloise.” I scowled at her. I glanced up at him. “Xander, she didn’t mean that.”

“Yes, I did!” she slurred, her eyes closing. “I see you Alexander Eberhardt, I see both of you. Don’t think I don’t know you’re hooking up. I know.”

“I wouldn’t call it...” I started.

“Oh, bullshit, Ana. I see the way you look at each other.”

Xander stood up, shaking his head at us. “No. No, I’m not doing this.”

He paced in front of us, scrubbing his face with his hand. Beside me Eloise’s head swayed, her hair hanging down like a curtain around her face.

“Eloise, you’re drunk. You’re saying things I know you’re going to regret. Stop now and we’ll all be fine in the morning, okay?” I pleaded.

“I know what I’m talking about Ana. How could you? Both of you?”

Tears flooded my eyes as her words sliced into me. They were the same questions I had been asking myself, not for the reason Eloise was thinking, but I had been thinking the same.

Before I could respond Xander sunk down next to the couch, in front of Eloise. His voice low and firm. “You need to knock this off. I love you, but you sound too much like Max right now.”

“Good,” Eloise spat.

“No, you listen to me. I loved your brother—he was my best friend. Don’t think you were the only one who lost him, Eloise. We all lost him. We all have a chunk missing because of what happened. Your pain isn’t special, Eloise. We all have it. Instead of trying to hurt Ana and I, why don’t you stop talking and get some rest. Whether you like it or not, I’m your brother too. We’re family. You, me, Ana. And I know Max would want me to look after you. So, knock this shit off now, and go to bed.”

Eloise narrowed her eyes, opening her mouth to give him a retort before sneering at him. “Whatever.”

Suddenly she lurched forward, her hand over her mouth. I quickly placed the bowl under her mouth where she retched into it. The smell was awful, though not something I was unfamiliar with. After a minute she sat up, wiping her mouth with the bottom of her shirt.

She moaned as she closed her eyes and leaned back against the couch. I sat next to her for a moment before bringing her from a sitting position to prone, where I covered her with a blanket. I crouched down next to her and placed a hand on her back, feeling her breathing.

As I stood up, I glanced at Xander who’d stood back watching us, the streetlight through the window illuminated his face. His arms crossed against his chest as he looked down at Eloise.

“Is she okay?”

“Yeah, she should be fine. She’s already thrown up, so I’m not worried about her aspirating. She should feel like crud in the morning, but she’ll be fine on the couch.”

He stepped closer, brushing a lock of hair off Eloise’s face in a move so tender I felt my heart break.

We all lost him. We all have a chunk missing because of what happened.

Xander’s words rippled through me.

We are family. You, me, Ana.