I sit outside in my Tahoe. I keep my eyes trained on the windows as she walks past every few minutes, pacing the floor. When Alyssa pulls in, I jump out of my car. “Thank you for coming. I’m sorry to call, but she won’t let me stay.”

“What happened?”

“She told him, and he was a complete dick.” I know that Alyssa was there the night she found out.

“Shit,” Alyssa mutters.

“I wanted to stay. She screamed for me to leave. It’s not good for her or the baby to be that upset. That’s why I called you.” I pause. “I love her, Alyssa. This is killing me.”

“I’ll take care of her. I’ll text you and let you know how she’s doing.”

“Thank you. Maureen needs to be picked up at five. I’m happy to do that. I’m not going back to work.”

“I’ll let you know.” She gives my hand a gentle squeeze. I don’t leave until I see her disappear inside.

I’m sitting in the living room with an untouched bottle of beer in my hand. I texted my mom to let her know tonight might be a late night, and she said if I needed her to bring Blake to me, that she would be happy to. That’s when I allowed myself to grab a beer from the fridge and open it, but I’ve yet to take a drink. I don’t want the beer or the temporary relief it will bring. I just want Kennedy.

There’s a knock on my door, but I ignore it. Everyone thinks I’m at work. However, when I hear a key in the door, I turn to watch as Brooks walks inside. “What are you doing here?”

“It’s my day off.”

“So what? You hang out at my place while I’m at work?”

“Alyssa texted us. I was off, so I volunteered to come and check on you.”

“I’m fine. You can go.”

“Well, you look like shit,” he says, plopping down on the couch.

“Had a shit day.”

“So I’ve heard. Want to fill me in?”


“Too damn bad. Come on, Dec. What’s going on?”

“Kennedy’s pregnant.”

“Really?” His eyes light up.

“It’s not mine.”


“Fuck, fine. I’ll tell you. Might as well get comfortable.” He smirks, kicking off his shoes and kicking his socked feet up on the coffee table. “You good?” I ask, annoyed.


So I do. I lay it all out for him. It’s not my story to tell, but I know I can trust my brother with her secret. I start at the beginning and don’t stop until I get to him showing up at my door.

“Fuck.” He runs his hands through his hair. “He really said that to her?”

“Yep. I was on speaker.”

“What a piece of shit.”


“So what are you doing here?”

“Did you not hear the part where she screamed at me to leave? I had to call Alyssa to come and sit with her.”

“I heard it, but that still doesn’t explain why you’re here and not there.”

“It’s not good for her or for the baby to be that upset.”

“And you’re not the one who upset her, Declan. Her ex-husband carries that badge. Not you.”

“She didn’t want me there.”

Brooks sits up, resting his elbows on his knees, letting his hands hang loose as he locks his gaze on me. “I’m going to ask you a few questions,” he tells me. “I want you to answer me honestly. Don’t think about your answers. Just sound off with the first thing that comes to your mind. Ready?”

“I am not playing some stupid game with you. There are more important things to think about right now,” I tell him.

“Humor me.”

“Whatever.” I fight the urge to roll my eyes. It’s easy to see where he’s going with this. He wants to prove that I’m in love with her, but we both already know that. It’s not a truth I’ll ever deny.

“Five years from now, who do you see next to you?”


“When Blake goes to her first prom, who is shopping with her?”


“When you go to sleep at night, who is next to you?”

“Kennedy.” I huff out a breath. “This is pointless. I’m in love with her. I’ve admitted that. I love her. She’s a part of me.”

“A couple more,” he says, his eyes boring into mine.

“When she told you she was pregnant, what was your first instinct?”

“To hold her.” All I wanted to do was wrap my arms around her. I needed her to know that I was there for her.

“Were you mad at her?”

“No. Of course not. I was confused at first, but after she explained, it all came together.”

“One more question.”


“I want you to picture Kennedy in the hospital in a few months delivering her baby. Who’s with her? Who is standing next to her, holding her hand? Who is telling her how strong she is and how beautiful she is? Who do you see, Declan?”

“Me.” My reply is instant. I see me. There isn’t a single scenario he could paint that I wouldn’t see me with her or vice versa.