“Love harder,” he says.

I nod, my throat thick with emotion. I remember the conversation I had with my dad.

“Show her your heart, Declan. I know you keep things bottled inside since Cassie. Losing her was tragic, but it wasn’t your fault. Give Kennedy your heart, and she’ll stay forever.”

“There he is.” Brooks smiles. “I can see the determination in your eyes. If you love her, Declan, if you answered all of my questions honestly, and we both know that you did, then you have to fight for her. That piece of shit tossed her aside, and he’s doing it again. She needs to know you’re all in. Not just with her but with this baby.”

“I love her.”

“I know you do, brother.”

“Thanks for coming over.”

“Always, Dec.”

We spend the rest of the afternoon just hanging out. He talks about Palmer and their baby, and I offer to help him put the furniture together this weekend. Talking to him has helped me organize my thoughts.

When I told Kennedy that I was in love with her, it was without reservation. Now it’s time to show her.

Last night when I texted Kennedy, she texted me back. I all but begged her to let me come and see her or for her to come to me, but she refused. She said that she was tired and needed to rest. I knew she was right, so I told her to sleep well and that I loved her. It took me hours to fall asleep.

It’s after nine on Saturday, and I’m already forming a plan of what I’m going to say when I see Kennedy. There’s a knock on the door. When I answer, I don’t expect to see Sterling and Alyssa on my doorstep. “Come on in. Not that you’re not welcome, but what are you doing here?”

“We’re here to watch Blake,” Sterling tells me.

“And you need to go.” Alyssa hands me a piece of paper.

“Go? Where am I going?” I ask her, taking the piece of paper. I peer down and see an address. “Where is this?”

“That’s where Kennedy will be at ten.”

“What? Is she okay?”

“She’s fine,” Alyssa assures me. “That’s the address of the ob-gyn that Palmer goes to. She referred Kennedy. She’s considered high risk with her history, so they worked her in. I was there when she called yesterday.”

“Who’s going with her?”

“No one. She’s convinced she can do this on her own. And I have no doubt she can, but I also know that you don’t want her to.”

“We took a chance,” Sterling says. “If we’re wrong, we can go, but—” He doesn’t finish his sentence, and he doesn't need to.

“Blake! Uncle Sterling and Aunt Alyssa are here to see you.” I look back at my brother and pull him into a hug. I then move to Alyssa. “Thank you for this. I don’t know how to tell you how much this means to me. You’re right. I want to be there for her. With her. I need to be there.”

“You better go get ready. As it is, you’re going to be pushing it.”

“Thank you.” I race to get dressed and haul ass to her appointment.

The office is busy on a Saturday morning. I scan the waiting room, but I don’t see her. I make my way to the reception desk. “Hi, I’m looking for my fiancée, Kennedy Edwards. I’m running a little late.” The lie of who I am to her falls freely from my lips.

“Oh, she’s already in a room. I’ll take you back.”

“Thank you.” She points at the door to her left. The door buzzes, and the lock releases. I step inside and follow her down the hall. She stops outside of an exam room and knocks on the door. “Kennedy, your fiancé is here.”

I step into the room. “Hey, Kens.”

“Declan,” she breathes.

“The doctor will be right in.” The receptionist shuts the door.

I make my way to the exam table, where she’s sitting in a gown with a white paper blanket thrown over her lap. Moving one of the chairs next to the bed, I reach out and take her hand in mine.

“What are you doing here?”

“You’re here.”

Tears well in her eyes, and because I can’t resist, I stand and kiss her softly. She doesn’t have time to question me further before the doctor comes in.

He goes through the exam, and I watch him intently as he does. He takes the time to get to know her as they go through her medical history. I sit and listen, just holding her hand, lending my support.

“Given your history, I’d like to do an ultrasound today. Just to get eyes on the baby. We’re going to be a little extra cautious just to ensure you and your baby are getting the best care we can provide.”

“Thank you,” Kennedy and I say at the same time.