“How have you been?”

“Good. Willow River has proven to be unexpected.”

“I can see you loving small-town life.” He laughs.

“It definitely has its appeal.”

“You met someone?” he guesses.

“I did.”

“I’m happy for you, Kennedy.”

“Thanks, Lyle. Listen, I have something to tell you, and I don’t know how to other than just blurt it out.”

“You can tell me anything, Kennedy. You know that.”

“I’m pregnant.”

“Seriously? Hell yes. Kennedy, this is what you wanted. Damn, when can I meet him?” Lyle asks.

“Lyle, the baby is yours,” she says softly, but he hears her.

“What? How is that possible?”

“The divorce decree,” she reminds him.

“You’re sure?”


“Kennedy… I can’t. I don’t want this. You know that.”

“Well, it’s happening, Lyle.”

“No. I mean, yes, you don’t need my permission to have this baby, but I don’t want to be a part of it. I’ll support you. I’ll give you whatever you need, but I don’t want to be a father.”

“You should have thought about that before you fucked me without protection,” she sneers.

“This wasn’t supposed to be able to happen. Were you lying to me all this time?”

My anger boils over. I stand and stalk to where she stands. My hands are fisted at my sides, but I rein it in, seeing that she needs my strength, not my anger. “I love you,” I whisper as tears well in her eyes. She stumbles, and I wrap my arms around her.

“I don’t want any part of this, Kennedy. My parent— You know how I grew up. I don’t want to be a dad. I don’t know how to be. I’ll do anything you need, support you financially, but I can’t be this kid's father. I’m sorry.”

“You’re just in shock,” she tells him.

“No. I don’t want this. I never wanted this, and you knew that. Call me if you need anything, but otherwise, pretend it’s not mine.” With that, the line goes dead.

Taking the phone from her hands, I toss it on the couch and hold her tighter. She grips my shirt as the tears begin to flow even harder. I’m pissed. What kind of man just tosses his kid away as if he or she is not the greatest gift they will ever receive? Lyle Edwards is a bigger prick than I originally thought. He let Kennedy and their child slip through his fingers. Hell, he released them.

“I’m here, baby. I’m right here,” I tell her. My heart is shattered for her and for me. I don’t know what to say to make this better.

“I need you to go.” She pulls away from me, taking a step back just out of my reach.


“You need to go. You have a business to run. Why are you here in the middle of the day?”

“Because you were avoiding me, and I needed to see you.”

“Well, you’ve seen me. Now go.”

“No.” I know she’s upset and heartbroken about her ex, but I won’t let her push me away. I have so many feelings roaring through me that I can’t concentrate on just one.

“Leave!” she screams.

“Kens, let me be here for you. I want to stay.”

“GET OUT!” she yells at the top of her lungs. Her body shakes with the intensity of her sobs. “Please, Declan, just go. I need to be alone. I need— I don’t know what I need, but I know that I need you to go.”

“I can’t leave you here on your own,” I tell her.

“I’m a big girl.”


“Go, Declan.”

I pull my phone out of my pocket and search for the number I’m looking for. “Declan?” Alyssa answers.

“Hey, Alyssa, can you do me a huge favor? I know you’re at work, but Kennedy, she needs someone, and she won’t let that be me.” Even I can hear the sadness in my voice.

“Oh no, is Grandma okay?” she asks.

“Not even a little bit.” I pick up on her subtle cue that she needs a family emergency in order to leave work.

“I’m on my way. Tell Grandma I love her.”

“Thank you, Alyssa.” The call ends, and I shove my phone back into my pocket. “I’ll wait in the car until she gets here. I’m leaving because that’s what you asked of me. Not because I don’t love you. I need you to tell me that you understand that before I walk out that door.”

She nods.

“I know you’re hurting, and that hits me here.” I place my hand over my heart. “I’m here for you, Kens. We’ll work this out.”

“This isn’t on you, Declan. This isn’t your problem to figure out. I’m on my own.”

I shake my head and take a step toward her.

“Go. Please. Just go.”

I move to her, pulling her into a hug, pressing my lips to her temple. “I love you. I’ll be right outside until Alyssa gets here.” She doesn’t respond, but I don’t expect her to. She’s in shock. I know she didn’t expect Lyle to react that way. She was nervous to tell him, but neither of us expected that level of “I don’t give a fuck” from him. I know she expected him to be upset but never did either one of us think this would be his reaction.