Page 76 of Celestia, Year One

"Care to share a few?" Cairus asked.

"Hmm. Well...why did you come to the exam late? I know Caio said you were on some expedition with your mom and would maybe miss the entrance exam, but I never expected you to arrive in time to save me. I'm also interested that you guys are fine with um...sharing me? As friends, right? I've...never really experienced love, but isn't there some rule that states I can only love one person? Maybe I'm just going to ruin this, but I'm not sure who it’s okay for me to be interested in. I've gone from being a nobody with no friends, to someone who has a group of people wanting me hurt or dead. I also have six amazing male teammates that I consider friends, but, what if I wanted more with them? I feel connected to Orion, but I like Finn and Hunter too. Theo also, and even though I don’t know much about you or Caio, I...think I'd be interested too? My mind’s just a mess and even though I've tried to ignore it the last few days, I think I'm rushing into things without setting boundaries. I think I like all of you, but don’t want anyone to get hurt," I rambled, finally pausing to take a breath.

When I was greeted with silence, I looked up and saw Cairus’ flushed expression.

"I said something weird, didn't I?" I asked in a hushed tone.

He blinked, quickly shaking his head. "No. Just trying to gather everything you just said so I can answer it in some type of order," Cairus replied. He crossed his legs on the rock we sat on, turning to face me.

I copied his position, still facing him.

Cairus lifted his finger, signaling a one.

"First thing. I was late for the exam because I was on an expedition with my mother that got delayed. Our gatekeeper had an emergency which needed to be dealt with before he could transport us back home. When I got back, I found out that Caio and I both got into Aslan. My mother is good friends with Othello and Ms. Arcadia and explained the situation. The gatekeeper also vouched for us and that's why I was able to write my exam after everyone had done theirs. When I finished, most teams had either failed or were too far in for me to participate. They decided since Team Misfit hadn't finished the targeted goal, I could join you all," Cairus explained.

"Oh. But, how did you find us?" I asked.

"Caio came when you guys were asleep. As twins, we can sense when we're near each other. He knew I'd entered the exam and met me halfway. When we got back to the camp, we realized no one was there and heard the Forsaken's screams throughout the forest. We knew you guys were in trouble. We shifted and when I arrived I saw the Rhinroy preparing to charge toward you. One look at your face and I knew you'd accepted that you were about to die. I didn't need to know you. My body told me I had to protect you and I just sprang into action," Cairus described.

"Thank you for saving me, Cairus." I bowed my head to him. I hadn't gotten a chance to show him how grateful I was for his interference and instant acceptance. He didn't even know if we were on the same team. He simply sprang into action cause his body told him to. If it was anyone from my village, they would have rather watched me get killed than put themselves in harm’s way.

"There’s no need to thank me. You saved us right back when that twenty-foot Forsaken came out of nowhere," Cairus reminded.

I lifted my head and smiled at him.

He reached out, patting my head before he continued. "Second. Sharing. Caio and I are close to Theo, followed by Hunter, Finn, and Orion. I can't one hundred percent guarantee we have the same feelings on this topic, but if it was you...I wouldn't mind sharing. We're already friends, Celestia. But if you wanted something more...then I wouldn't mind," Cairus admitted, his cheeks tinged a light pink as he looked away from my stunned gaze.

I could feel my cheeks grow hot at his confirmation. "But. That's legal?" I asked.

Cairus snickered. "If it makes you feel better, my mom is married to two tiger shifters," he announced.

"What? TWO? Wait, really? That's okay?" I bombarded him with questions.

He grinned, meeting my shocked stare. "Yup. It's accepted in our culture. Lion shifters as well. Their Queen usually needs multiple mates to survive. Tiger shifters are similar, but it's not a requirement. Some of us choose to be with one mate, while others have multiple. In most other dimensions, it's not looked down upon," he acknowledged.

"But, what about other shifters?" I questioned.

"Phoenix shifters are very low in number. They have really no option but to mate with more than one male if they expect to grow their population. Hunter's mom chose to have just one lover, but most other phoenix shifters have multiple. Vampires and bat shifters can have multiple mates and pixies are fine with the idea of it, but they normally stick to one lover and build a family, unless they’re unable to," Cairus revealed.

"How about Orion? I haven't gotten a chance to ask him what shifter he is," I confessed.

Cairus grinned. "I can't help you there, Cutie Pie, Dearest. Even we don't know what Orion is. He only recently joined our group and he's still rather shy amongst us. It took a while before we even knew his name. Finn would call him Purple until Orion got annoyed enough and finally told us his name. I believe only Finn has a guess of what he is, but I have no clue," Cairus expressed.

"Interesting. I wonder if he'd be okay with sharing me? I mean, if he liked me in that way. I mean...not like I like him like him. He's just attractive like the rest of you and..." I trailed off, my face growing red. "Ugh, never mind." I brushed off the topic, looking away.


I turned to see Cairus soft expression, his blue and gold eyes twinkled with admiration.

"We all have one thing in common. We've experienced what it's like to be alone. To wonder if we'd ever be appreciated or loved. Rest assured that we're all friends and if any of us decided to approach that next step with you, it would be more of an honor than anything. I don't want you to feel rushed or that you have to make a decision right away. Just let your body guide you and tell your mind to take a vacation. Whatever happens, we'll all support you because we want you to be happy. As teammates, friends and maybe one day as potential lovers, your happiness is all that we want," Cairus vowed.

"Cairus," I whispered, unsure what to say.

He smiled, leaning forward. He pressed his forehead against mine. "Don't let your mind control what your body wants. Follow your heart and let your body show you the right path. That's how us tiger shifters live," Cairus admitted.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his forehead against mine. "Okay. I'll follow my heart and let my body lead me on the path to self-discovery," I summarized. I opened my eyes to see his wide grin.

"Couldn't have said it better myself, Dearest," he replied.