Page 75 of Celestia, Year One

His grin widened and he chuckled. “You sure pay attention to detail, Dearest.” Cairus ruffled his locks that began to shift back to their bright blue color and his right eye returned to its turquoise shade.

“People can’t tell? It’s rather obvious,” I replied.

“Nope. Not normally. Takes a while. Theo’s even mixed us up a few times and he’s known us the longest,” Cairus revealed.

“That’s interesting,” I considered.

“Why are you awake?” he asked again.

“I was thirsty,” I replied, smiling up at him.

His eyes scanned my body and I could see a hint of desire in them.

I blinked, realizing how thin my shirt was and knew my hard nipples were doing their best to peek through the fabric. I blushed, crossing my arms.Totally give yourself away at how hot he looked while training, ugh. Damn body and its attempt to embarrass me.

"Thirsty, huh?" he whispered.

"Not that thirsty. I mean...never mind," I huffed.

Cairus laughed, undoing the knot of his cape. He tugged it off, revealing his bare chest and fine abs, then aired it out. A wave of magic flowed through the fabric, ridding it of any lingering sweat. He wrapped it around my shoulders, the black material covered my chest and reached my knees.

"Here. It'll make you feel more comfortable." He winked.

"Thanks," I whispered, giving him an appreciative smile.

"You're going back to bed?" Cairus asked.

I glanced around the empty room, wondering if I wanted to sleep just yet. I never got alone time with either of the twins. They were always together and we hadn't gotten enough chill time this week to get to learn more about one another.

"I'm not sleep—" I began, but was cut off by a yawn.

Cairus grinned. "You want to spend some one-on-one time with me?" he asked.

"How did you know?" I countered.

"When you’re hesitant about something, you have an interesting look on your face. You do it a lot with Orion, Finn, and Hunter when they ask you questions," Cairus replied.

"You're just as perceptive as I am," I mumbled under my breath.

"That I am. I'm the observant twin," he boasted.

I smiled, glancing at the glass sliding doors. I felt Cairus’ hand grasp mine. I returned my gaze to see his amused expression.

"Want to go for a quick walk?" he asked.

I gave him a wide smile and nodded. "That would be awesome. I haven't been able to enjoy the scenery here," I admitted.

He nodded in agreement. "It's because these last two weeks have been hectic with everything from the exams to the Forsaken and now someone is trying to hurt our Celestia," Cairus huffed. He gently tugged me over to the corner, placing his bamboo stick back in its spot before we made our way outside to the back porch.

"I love that I am shareable." I giggled, curious if they were just joking or really did want to share me. I wasn't very knowledgeable about love, only learning the basics from books, online dramas, and seeing couples in the village.

This was all new territory for me and I didn't know if it was okay to date more than one guy, especially amongst a close group of friends.

We walked through the grass, using our magic to protect our feet from any sharp objects. It would be a hassle to go back to the house to get shoes and neither of us wanted to wake the others up.

"What are you thinking about now?" he asked when we reached a large flat rock, sitting down there to enjoy the peaceful sounds of the night.

"A lot of things," I replied, staring at the night sky filled with stars