Page 77 of Celestia, Year One

We uncrossed our legs and rose to our feet. Cairus slipped his hand into mine and we made our way back to the house. I yawned as we entered the training room, rubbing my eyes.

"I think you should go back to sleep," Cairus suggested.

"I guess. Aren't you going to bed?" I pondered.

"In a bit. Caio will be up soon to train so I'll want to greet him and wish him goodnight before I go back to sleep," Cairus explained.

"You two are really close," I acknowledged.

Cairus nodded. "He's always been there for me, just as I've been there for him. Thankfully we get along really well. Haven't gotten into any major arguments. I hope it stays that way," Cairus revealed.

"Me too," I replied.

Cairus wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into a warm embrace.

"Get some sleep, Cutie Pie Dearest," he hummed.

"Cutie Pie Dearest? You guys keep adding nicknames," I pointed out.

He pulled back to give me a sly smile. "No, Celestia. Only I get to useDeareston you," he declared.

"Oh," I replied, blushing.

He chuckled. "Go get some rest," he encouraged.

"Okay. Make sure you sleep as well," I encouraged.

"I will. Night, Celestia." Cairus gave me a small wave.

I gave him a tired smile, yawning. "Night, Cairus. See you in the morning." I waved back, walking out from the training room, closing the door behind me. I walked down the hall; when I turned the corner, I bumped into something solid.

"Oops. Sorry," I apologized, opening my eyes to see a pair of mismatched ones.

"Cutie Pie? Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Caio asked.

"I'm about to. Morning, Caio," I replied absentmindedly.

"Hmm. I should take you upstairs. You look like you’re gonna trip and fall. I don't want Orion or the others kicking my ass for leaving you alone right now," Caio suggested.

"I'm fine," I mumbled, yawning again. This was one of the reasons why Sia took over during the night. Once I got too sleepy to keep my eyes open, it was a difficult mission to get to my bed.I could sleep on the floor. That doesn't sound bad. Or the stairs? Hmm.


Hmm, that sounds like Orion. Why does he sound so far away? I wonder if I can see him later. I really want to sleep now.

"She can sleep standing?" Caio asked.

"Sia said something about that," Orion pointed out.

"Cutie Pie? Celestia?" Caio called out, but seemed farther away.

I want to get a chance with Caio too. Maybe during breakfast? Or lunch...or sometime today...studying? I’ll just finish our conversation later.

One twin down, one to go.

Study Break and Cupcakes

"Where are you guys going?" I asked, noticing Hunter, Theo, Finn, and Orion in casual clothes, about to leave.