Page 34 of Demon Kept

Their heat enveloped me. Content, I closed my eyes and drifted off.

I didn’t even question the hard length pressing my backside the next morning. But I did lift my head to check who I was laying on. Turik this time. I cringed and looked back at Vorx.

“You shouldn’t be lying on your bad side. Why didn’t you shove me over? Or turn the other way?”

“And miss this?” he asked, lightly smoothing a hand over my hip. “Never.”

A zing of heat shot through me, which I squashed before rolling my eyes and looking down at Turik.

“You need to protect him from his own stupidity. He probably ripped a stitch.”

“I’ve felt the way you wiggle your curves against my cock and would gladly endure a hellhound’s claws to feel it again. A few broken stitches are nothing.”

“Not helping,” I muttered.

I knew sleeping in the same bed with them wasn’t right. I knew I should get up and return to my room. But instead of scooting away, I settled back into place. For once, I was doing something selfish and just for myself. I liked the snuggling too much to leave.

Vorx continued to stroke my hip but didn’t grind against me even though I could feel the pulsing throb in his length. Turik pressed a kiss to the top of my head and stroked my hair. My fingers traced over the contours of Turik’s chest. Under my cheek, I could hear the faint beat of his heart.

Guilt started to nibble holes in the moment.

“I like this,” I said after a few minutes. “These last two nights were the first time in a long time that I was able to sleep peacefully. But sleeping like this isn’t fair to either of you. I’m sending mixed signals by saying that I don’t want a relationship and then sneaking in here.”

“No, you’re not,” Turik insisted, his arm coming around my shoulders to hug me.

Vorx moved closer, so it wasn’t just our hips connecting. His chest heated my back as he hugged me from behind too.

I reveled in the sensation so much I almost didn’t hear what he said next.

“You said you need time to heal. You can take all the time you need. We understand why you want this. It is safety.”

“And comfort,” Turik added. “Our cocks are too simple to understand that. But our minds understand it perfectly.”

I burst out laughing and pressed my lips to his chest without thinking. While I froze, he didn’t. His hand languidly continued stroking my arm, and Vorx’s continued along my hip and side.

Slowly, I exhaled and took the moment for what it was. Safety and comfort from the two men I was growing to trust.

“If we want to go fishing today, we should leave this bed,” Turik said after a while. “But I would be happy to spend the whole day like this too.”

I smiled against his chest and lifted my head to look down at him.

“Let’s go fishing. It’ll be a good distraction and a useful way to contribute. We can note any decent fishing holes we find for when the weather turns nice and Ryan wants to stock the new settlement’s pond.”

Turik grunted and didn’t try to stop my withdrawal. Vorx, however, made a low sound that sent goosebumps skittering along my arm when my ass slid across his length.

“Sorry,” I murmured before I bolted.

Cheeks still flushed, I cleaned up in Turik’s bathroom and dressed for the day. I glimpsed myself in the mirror and saw the oldest bruises had faded to nothing, as I’d predicted. The newest ones were still vivid, but I knew those would eventually fade too. Then what? Would I be ready to choose a fey? To sleep with one of them?

My insides went hot and cold at my conflicted thoughts. I liked all the touching now but wasn’t sure I wanted to move past that.

By the time I joined them downstairs, Turik and Vorx both waited by the front door. Turik handed me a biscuit and egg sandwich while Vorx held up my coat.

“You look like you’re going to come with us,” I said, noting his clothes as I shuffled my breakfast from one hand to the other.

Turik turned me when I had the jacket on and did up the front.

“He is,” Turik said. “You feel safer with both of us.”