Page 35 of Demon Kept

“Not if it’s going to hurt him I don’t.” I turned toward Vorx. “I’d rather you stayed here and rested. Please. I’d feel awful if something else happened to you.”

“I would feel the same if something happened to you and I wasn’t there to stop it.”

I narrowed my eyes at him.

“I’m putting my foot down. No. Stay here.”

His lips curved, exposing his wickedly pointed canines. “It’s cute that you think I’ll listen.”

My mouth almost fell open. Instead, I turned to Turik.

“Please talk some sense into him.”

Turik shrugged slightly, amusement dancing in his eyes.

“I think Vorx would miss you as much as you would miss him.” He gently stroked his thumb over my cheek after fixing my collar. “We will not be alone. I wouldn’t risk either of you like that. Trust my brothers and me to keep you both safe.”

Disgruntled, I nodded and shot Vorx a warning look.

“No ripped stitches, or I’m sleeping in my own bed tonight.”

He merely smirked at me, so I bit into my sandwich and followed Turik out the door.


The fey hada sizeable collection of “boats,” which were actually canoes, stacked in someone’s backyard. While we inspected each option, word spread quickly that Turik, Vorx, and I were looking to go fishing. Within ten minutes, we had a group of fifteen volunteers with us to carry three of the canoes and a dozen fishing poles.

It didn’t take long to reach the first lake south of Warrensburg. A thin sheet of ice clung to the shoreline, not that it deterred the fey from marching through it. Once they’d cleared a decent landing, they launched the canoes, testing them in the open water before returning to the shore.

One had a minor leak, but the other two were fine. While the rest of the fey fished from the shore, the three of us took a canoe to the center. The lake was quiet with only the light breeze and the swish of a cast to keep us company.

We stayed out there until our stringer had three largemouth bass and my face was numb. I could have stayed out there longer, but Vorx caught me shivering and “put his foot down” about returning to shore. Turik, the giant traitor, agreed.

I pretended to pout, but I loved that they were watching out for me.

On shore, the rest of the fey had caught another five fish. I noted the lake on the map that I’d borrowed from Ryan’s house and marked the species and the quantity we’d taken.

“Should we try another one?” I asked.

“No,” Turik said firmly. He plucked the pencil and map from my grasp, handed both to Vorx, then took my hands and stuffed them down the front of his pants.

The action was so damn unexpected that I immediately tried to jerk my hands out. However, Turik wrapped his arms around me and trapped me against his torso. Immobile, I considered biting.

“Warm them. And your face.”

“Are you insane? I could have warmed my hands in my armpits. You just want me touching your eggplant.”


“Your dick.” I tried jerking my hands out of his waistband again.

“It’s the warmest place. Warmer than anywhere on your body when you’re already so cold. The feel of your hands will always bring me pleasure. But in this case, there will also be some pain, which I’m willing to endure, so you are warm.”

I tipped my head back and narrowed my eyes at him.

“I’m feeling forced.”

“I know.” He placed a gentle kiss on my brow. Then another one an inch over. The sting of his warm lips against my skin had me huffing and relenting. Mostly because I knew there wasn’t any choice. When it came to my safety, Turik wouldn’t give an inch, and his desire to warm me truly was for my safety since I was well past the point of cold.