Page 33 of Demon Kept

I shrugged lightly. “I keep a lot inside. It doesn’t do any good to show the world what I’m feeling.”

“Not the world. Me.”

“Me too,” Vorx added. “We want you to be happy here.”

I sighed and put my other foot in Turik’s lap. He immediately started rubbing that one too.

“Iamhappy here, but that doesn’t erase the worries. It’s like how you enjoy having me here but worry that I’m not happy.”

Both men grunted again, this time contemplatively.

“Your distraction helped me forget my worries,” Vorx said. “Would you like me to remove my pants?”

I almost barked out a laugh, managing to swallow it down at the last minute.

“Thank you for the offer, but no. I don’t think I’m ready for that level of distraction. What else do you do to distract yourselves?”

“Think about females,” Turik said immediately.

“And before there were females?”

“We hunted and fished and farmed,” Turik said. “And we challenged each other.”


“Fights to test our strength.”

“Ah. Yeah, those might not be the best idea to distract me. I enjoy fishing, though. I used to go with my dad all the time.” With the typical bittersweet pang, I thought of my father. “He passed away a few years ago. I loved fishing with him. I wouldn’t mind trying that. Do any fey go out to fish?”

“No,” Turik said, finding a sweet spot on my foot that nearly made my eyes roll back.

“Do you think we could find a boat?” I asked after a blissful moment.

“Yes. Ryan has already collected a few. They weigh nothing and are easy to carry.”

“Maybe tomorrow we can try fishing.” I paused, the worry creeping back in for the fey who’d left to search the hellhound neighborhood. “Do you think that they’ll stay out there all night?”

After Turik had returned from his meeting with Drav, everything had happened so fast. Drav had called for volunteers to go to the subdivision, and Ryan had left with a group three times the size of mine. They planned to scour that subdivision, top to bottom. If they found nothing, they would immediately go to Eden’s subdivision.

“If Eden’s location is good, they will start collecting nearby vehicles to wall it in. Don’t worry, Shelby. Ryan is safe.”

I sighed and tugged my feet from his grasp to shift position. He lifted his arm to give me more room to snuggle against his side.

“I know the fey will keep him safe. Just like I know that you and all your brothers will do everything in your power to keep the rest of us safe. I’ll try to stop worrying.”

His fingers brushed over my side, tickling the bruises still there.

“Thank you for trusting us, Shelby.”

“Thank you for insisting.”

He chuckled. The sound was the warmest, best thing I’d heard in a very long time. Grinning, I settled my head against his chest and finally focused on the movie, letting his gentle finger strokes soothe me.

When it was time for bed, I once again retreated to Turik’s room while he stayed downstairs with Vorx. Maybe I was too used to sleeping in a house full of people, or maybe I knew where I was safest because, no matter how much I tried to fall asleep alone in that bed, I couldn’t.

Sighing, I tossed the covers back and padded softly from my room. The base of Turik’s t-shirt brushed my thighs as I moved silently down the hall. There was just enough light shining in through the curtains to see where I was going but not enough once I reached their bedroom to see if they were awake or not.

Like the night before, there was a nice Shelby-size gap between the two of them, and I didn’t hesitate to fill the space.