Page 56 of Reckless Soul

But this shithead’s on my territory now, where club rules apply and shit like his ain't tolerated. Let’s see how long that confidence lasts

“Looks like I’m about to tattoo you boys your lame-ass football tattoo,” I shrug cockily.

“I dunno, Luke, I think I might wait till after graduation.” Drew places down the motorbike magazine he’s been flicking through and makes straight for the door.

“Yeah, me too.” His other buddy goes after him, leaving just me and Luke in a stare-off.

“Got yourself some solid friends there, Luke,” I smirk to myself sarcastically, making my way over to the station to start setting up.

“So, this is you?” Luke looks around the shop. “A bitch boy in a biker tattoo studio,” he laughs.

“Loads of people get nervous their first time. Take a seat.” I ignore his attempt to provoke me, tapping the leather chair with my palm.

“Aren’t you supposed to do a stencil first?” I detect a hint of worry in his voiceand smirk.

“I specialize in freehand unless you came here to get the transfer?” I check.

I can see how much Luke wants to back out, but I know he won’t. He’s got far too much pride for that. So, I snap the black latex glove over my hand ready to get started.

“Where’s this going?” I ask.

“Arm.” He pulls up the sleeve of his shirt, revealing a real lame excuse for a bicep. Seriously, this is the guy they chose to captain the football team. He flinches when I spray the area with anti-bac, and I shake my head and laugh as I wipe it over with a paper towel. There's only one type of person who gets his collage tattoo done before he’s even left high school. Luke Robinson is the definition of the word Douchebag.

“You know guys like you don’t keep girls like Ella Jackson,” he tells me before I have the chance to start up the gun. “You’re a phase. A rebellion, the bad boy that her folks warn her to stay away from.” I ignore him and flick on the gun, hoping the hum will drown out his voice.

“If anything, you’re doing me a favor.” He crosses his arms over his chest, preventing me from pressing the needle to his skin. “I’ll tell you something about the guys that do end up with the Ella Jacksons of this world.” He smirks. “They’re ambitious, clever. They know how to get what they want, and they succeed in everything they do.” This cunt really is going all out to try to taunt me.

“When you fuck up, and you will, Ella will realize what’s good for her, and then it’ll be my cock that horny little bitch is getting herself all choked up on.”

It’s all it takes for me to lose my shit, dropping the gun from my hands and lifting him off the chair by his neck. I throw him into the nearest wall, holding him in place with my forearm pressing tight against his throat.

“Now, let me tell you about the kind of guy I am, Luke,” I warn him through my teeth. “I’m callous, I’m reckless, and I don’t give a fuck who I have to hurt in order to protect what’s mine. Guys like you, get to keep fuckin’ breathing because guys like me are having good days.” I press tighter into his neck feeling his Adam’s apple quake against my tense arm.

“And as long as I’m still breathing, you will not get a touch on Ella Jackson. You may have her all scared, but you don’t scare me.” I take my knife out of my back pocket, holding it millimeters away from his eyeball, and watch with deep satisfaction as his pupils dilate with panic.

“I warned you that I specialize in freehand.” I let the blade touch his skin, sliding it down his cheek without breaking the skin. “Tattoos are as permanent as scars, there ain’t no room for slip-ups. You should ask yourself if you really want one before you commit.” Pushing myself away from him I watch him pick up his jacket, his eyes remaining fixed on mine as he calmly strolls out the door.

There are only so many times I can threaten the kid before I’m gonna have to start taking action. Ella can’t protect him forever, not when he brings his shit to my doorstep.

I pull down the blinds and lock up the studio door, then get back to sketching while I wait for Ella to get here.

I can’t wait to get my hands on her when she finally arrives and Ella launches her hot little body onto mine as soon as I open the door. I catch her in my arms, holding her tight against me as I carry her inside.

“You sure you wanna do this?” I check, placing her ass down on the leather chair.

“Absolutely, I’m excited.” She’s practically bouncing, and I love being responsible for the sparkle in her eyes.

“You wanna see what you’re getting?” I ask.

“Wait. I don’t get to pick?” Her mouth drops open, and I shake my head back at her watching her skin turn white.

“Nope, if you want me to tattoo you, it’s my pick.” I reach over to my sketchpad and open it up to the page I’ve been working on. Ella’s dainty fingers reach out and brush over my sketch and her lips pull into a smile.

“It’s just like yours.” Her fingers slide over to my arm and trace over the compass that’s now part of my sleeve.

“I love it, it’s perfect,” she says with a smile, one I wish I could tattoo into my memories and keep forever.

“Do I get to decide where it goes?” she suddenly looks worried again. “It has to be somewhere my father won’t see it”