Page 55 of Reckless Soul

“I’m sorry for making you hurt,” he says. “I hate it.” The hand he has on my hips controls how fast and how much of him I take, right now it’s slow, agonizingly slow but I know it won’t last, we’re both too desperate.

“I wish you’d let me protect you the way I need to,” he tells me, his teeth gripping at my lobe and keeping me in place. Both his hands move, sliding under my thighs, taking my weight off the floor and spreading me open wider.

He’s in full control now, his strong hands gripping tight at my flesh and controlling the thrusts he’s putting into me. He feels so big from this angle, he’s consuming my whole body and I can’t resist the temptation to reach inside my panties and touch my clit

Nyx fucks me hard while I rub my fingers against my sensitive flesh and it doesn’t take long for that feeling to start building up inside me again.

“You fuck me up, Ella Jackson,” he tells me, slamming me on to his cock harder. “You make me go against all my instincts.” His words touch my skin, sendingheat through my body. That, combined with the pressure of him deep inside me and the pulsing of my clit against my fingers cause my stomach to tense and my muscles to go rigid.

I scream out loud, past caring if anyone hears us, and when Nyx’s hand slams over my mouth to keep me quiet I bite down on his fingers.

“Holy fuck,” Nyx groans, hitting me with one last powerful thrust before his body stills too and his fingers clutch at my thighs. I feel him warm me inside and I lean my head back until it’s resting on his shoulder.

“You got all the control, Ell. You’re the one with all the power. I’ll be yours for as long as you’ll have me. I’ll fight for us. And…” he nips at my ear lobe again making my pussy shudder, “Luke Robinson only breathes for as long as you want him to.” I hear the chill in his voice but I haven’t got the time to let it haunt me, not when he grabs my jaw and forces me to face him, his lips landing firm on mine and making me forget every bad thing that ever happened to me.

After we straighten up, Nyx casually walks me back to my car. “I’ve been thinking, you still wanna get that tattoo?” he asks when we get to my driver’s door.

I nod back at him enthusiastically, excitement lifting my lips into a huge grin.

“Come by the shop after eight, park up the street and use the back door. Don’t get yourself seen,” he warns, releasing my hand so he can open my car door for me.

“What made you change your mind?” I ask, managing to refrain from jumping on him with excitement.

“I thought about it, and I like the idea of my girl wearing my tattoo,”he tells me, his touch gentle as he tucks my hair behind my ear. It’s hard to believe he’s the same guy who just fucked the life out of me in the art cupboard.

“See ya later.” He pulls away from me and walks over to climb on his bike and I watch him rev up his engine and pull out. Knowing things will never be the same again.

I leave school already knowing exactly what I’m gonna ink on Ella. I see the way the other guys at school look at her. Luke pretends to hate her when everyone knows he’d give his right nut to have her the way I do. My sudden change of heart comes from the possessive asshole streak inside of me that can’t resist the opportunity to put a permanent mark on her skin.

It feelspathetic, to need that kind of reassurance. But, then it might be all I have if I can’t figure a way out of this shit I’m in.

The compass I’ve got on my forearm was the first tattoo I ever got. I’d drawn it over and over in my sketch pad when I was a kid and trying to figure out how to find my dad. I’d been stupid enough back then to convince myself it would help me.

Maybe it was fate or irony but it was that compass that got me where I am today. Tac saw my sketch pad when he took me in. Told me I had some real talent and although I was far too young at the time, he offered to tattoo it on me.

“You’ve drawn it enough times, figured it must mean something to ya,” he’d said to me.

That’s what I love about Tac, he never asks questions, but he sure knows how to read people. Now I want Ella to have it too, my way of telling her that no matter what happens I won’t give up on finding a way for us to be together.

I know Tac will be leaving the studio before eight. Troj has a big fight in Denver tonight, most of the brothers are riding out to watch him. I’m out the back sketching when I hear the studio door open and some loud ass kids enter the shop. I leave Tac to deal with them, we’re quiet so he’ll either send them on their way or decide to make a quick buck out of them.

I put my earbuds in and carry on with my sketch. I want to make the compass I’m putting on Ella perfect.

“Yo Nyx,” Tac shouts over my music and I flick out my earphones and look up at him.

“Got some kids out here wanting a team tattoo.” Tac rolls his eyes.

“You wanna take it so I can shoot off?” I look up at the clock, it ain’t even six.

“Hey don’t be judgy, I’ve been working my ass off while you been playing golden boy to Prez.”

“Ain’t judging.” I hold up my hands in surrender as I squeeze past him through the door and make my way out onto the shop floor. I pause when I see Luke and two of his football buddies, all looking pale-faced and shit scared in the waiting area. They all look like they’re gonna bottle it, bouncing their knees and sweating from their pores.


“I booked you some stuff in for tomorrow too, can’t have the shop shut all weekend.” Tac slaps my back on his way out the door, paying no attention to the boys as he leaves. Luke waits until the door has shut after him before he speaks. His face finding a little color and a sly grin picking back up on his lips.

“Anderson, what the fuck you doing here?” he asks standing up and striding towards me with newfound confidence.