Page 57 of Reckless Soul

“I was thinking here,” I touch my finger to the inside of her thigh, it will be private there. Our little secret. I seem to lose her for a little while, her thoughts going somewhere else for a second, maybe she wants to back out.

“Yes,” she snaps out of whatever it is that was troubling her fast, her hands clapping together excitedly.

“Okay then.” I pull on some fresh gloves. I wasn’t lying earlier when I told Luke that I specialized in freehand. I’ve been drawing this compass for years, I could do it with my eyes shut. It’s on my skin and soon it will be on hers too.

“You nervous?” I check.

“Please, I’ve taken a lot worse than this.” Her eyes lower to my crotch and beam back cheekily at me before I reach for the anti-bac and spray area.

“You ready for me, darlin’?” I ask, firing up the gun, and noticing how she jumps at the low buzzing sound it makes.

“I’m ready, Nyx,” she nods, giving all of her trust over to me.

I watch her flinch when the needle touches at her skin, her face trying to be brave as I do the outline. I want to get it over for her quickly, but at the same time, I want to take my time and make it the most perfect thing I’ve ever done.

“So, what’s with the compass?” she asks screwing up her face when I scratch over another sensitive nerve.

“You didn’t want to ask me that before I started permanently inking it on your skin?” I look up at her and smirk.

“I trust you,”she tells me, resting her head back and looking up at the ceiling.

“Well, if you trust me, do you need to know?”

“I don’t need to know, I want to know, there’s a difference.” She gives me that clever look she does, and fuck, don’t I love it when she gets smart with me.

“I’ll tell you one day, pinkie promise.” I humor her, the sound of her sweet giggle travelling all the way to my dick and doing nothing to help me focus.

After a few hours, I’m done, and I sit back and I admire my masterpiece, impressed with my shading work, even if I do say so myself. When I show Ella in the mirror, she squeals with excitement, wrapping her arms around my neck and pressing kisses all over my face, and I watch our reflection wishing that everything could be as simple as this.

Making Ella happy has rapidly become my latest addiction, and I wonder how much longer I’ll be able to keep up the habit.

I’m just finishing wrapping her up when my cell buzzes. I pull it out my pocket and see it’s Jessie calling. I want so much to ignore it. Hanging with Ella like this feels so fuckin’ good. But when it comes to the club, you can never be sure what shit’s gone down.

“I got to take this,” I hold up the phone to Ella, then step into the back room, pressing it against my ear.

“What’s up?” I answer.

“Nyx, we need you to drive a cage out here,” Jessie instructs me, sounding serious.

“Everything okay?” I check, wondering what the hell could have happened.

“For now, Utah brothers need us to help them take care of something with them after the fight. I got a hunch it’s gonna get messy,” he says, and I detect the thrill in his tone. Jessie lives for this kind of shit.

Most of us do.

Even settling down with Maddy ain’t stopped his thirst for mayhem.

“I’ll be there in a couple hours,” I watch Ella through the door, she’s still checking out her tattoo, looking real happy with it. I hang up the phone and go to her, my hands sliding up the back of her skirt and squeezing her ass cheeks in my fists as I pull her onto me.

“I need to lock up and get goin’. I gotta drive to Denver.”

“Denver? Now? Why?” she asks, suddenly looking worried.

“I got some friends who need my help.” It’s the closest answer to the truth I can offer her. “Come on, I’ll get you home.” I make my way towards the back room, and push my prospect cut into my bag before she sees it.

“I can get myself home, you should go help your friend,” she tells me when I come back out.

“They can wait.”