“Yeah, Monday nights they do this study group for the local kids. I help out,” she explains, in a voice that’s smooth and as pretty as she is. I wonder if it would still sound as sweet screaming my name while I slammed inside her.
I focus forward again, ignoring my cock when it grows uncomfortable against my jeans.
“Been up to much today?” Hayley asks, a sarcastic bite in her tone when she notices the absence of my cut again.
“Nothing special,” I answer her with an equally fake smile, but eyes that warn her not to push. And for once in her stubborn little life, she does as she’s told.
It’s a short journey, that Maddy could easily have walked, but I’m pleased Hayley offered her a lift. I enjoy admiring her in the rear-view mirror. She’s twitchy and fidgety and I all I can think about is sucking the color out of the bottom lip that she keeps grazing through her teeth.
“Thanks for the ride.” She smiles up at me when I stop the truck.
“Welcome, darlin’,” I tell her before she opens the door and steps out.
“See you at school tomorrow,” Hayley sounds convincingly excited as she leans over me to say goodbye to her friend.
“Bye Hayley… Jessie.” Maddy ever so slightly drops her head when she says my name, and I have to grip the steering wheel. Hayley at least waits until I’ve turned the truck before she reaches under her seat, pulls out my cut, and slams it hard into my chest.
“Safe to put this back on now.” Her eyes roll.
“What? It’s a hot day.” Even I laugh at my pathetic excuse.
“You realize it’s never gonna happen right? You just dropped the girl off at fucking church for Christ’s sake.”
“I go to church,” I say through a smirk.
“I don’t think you sing from quite the same hymn sheet.” Hayley’s arms cross over her chest. “Besides we spoke today about… you know.”
“You’ve been friends less than a week, and you’re already talking to her about sex? I thought nice girls were shy about that kinda shit.”
“Well I’m not shy, and unlucky for you she is. She’s a nice girl. So nice she hasn’t even gone to first base.” Hayley kicks her feet up on the dash. “Saving it all for that someone special apparently. Delusional is what I call it.”
“That’s sweet I guess.” I lift my shoulders, conflicted. The thought of Maddy never even being kissed—not willingly anyway—makes me happy, but knowing that I ain’t the kinda guy to ever be anyone’s ‘someone special’ tears me up a little at the same time.
“Sucks for you though. I don’t think this ‘special guy’…”—Hayley’s fingers make air quote’s—“she’s waiting on rides a Harley, drinks Jack like a whale takes on water, and sticks his dick into just about anything it’ll fit in.” She smiles, and I spend the entire way home pretending her words don’t wound me.
Hayley seems disappointed when I drop her back at the lodge and don’t go in. Tonight I need to be at the club, the guys will still be celebrating last night’s bust, and I need to forget.
Forget Maddy Summers. Forget that I’ll never know what it feels like to be up inside her tight virgin pussy, or see how her cheeks flush pink when she comes on my cock. But most of all, I want to forget that with her, even that would never be enough.
Saturday night comes around quickly, I’ve hardly seen Jessie over the past few days and get the impression he’s avoiding me. Nyx has been running me around, and well… he’s just no fun at all.
I knew something was up when Jessie hadn’t picked me up yesterday. Friday at Bernie’s has been our thing ever since Mama died. I also know there’s no chance of Jessie taking me to Katie’s party, so I had to come up with a plan of my own.
I wait for the clubhouse to be in full Saturday night swing, then walk through the woods that line the compound. I find the hole in the fence that’s just big enough for me to squeeze through, and meet Cobie and Dan on the main road. Cobie was happy to give me a ride, he’s had a crush on me since middle school. So I flirted with him for a few days leading up to the party. He even agreed to pick up Maddy too.
No one from the club ever checks in on me at night, everyone’s far too busy having fun, and Daddy rarely comes home to the lodge. It will be just as easy for me to sneak back in after the party.
I’m eighteen years old, no other girls my age have to have a chaperone, and life is too short to be stuck in by yourself on a Saturday night.
Everything has gone to plan, and we make it to the party without being caught. It feels good to be free. We drink and we dance, I’m nowhere near as drunk as I’d been last weekend, but I’m steadily getting there. Maddy looks stunning as ever and is clueless to the fact that she has the attention of every guy here. Tonight, she’s being sensible and has decided to stay sober.
She disappears to use the bathroom and I carry on dancing by myself. When I feel hands rest on my hips, I let them touch me, and sway along with the rhythm of the music.
“You having a good time?” a voice whispers into my ear. I look over my shoulder at Cobie and nod, continuing to dance along with him.
“You want an even better time?” he adds, spinning me around to face him. His eyes stay on mine as he takes a small plastic baggy from his pocket and squeezes it open. I watch him take out a small round tablet and place it on his tongue, he pokes it out to show me before flicking his tongue back into his mouth and swallowing it down.