Page 25 of Lost Soul

“What he want?” Squealer follows him out the yard with his eyes, chewing on the toothpick between his teeth. Squealer holds suspicions of anyone with a badge, even the ones on our side.

“Just came to see what we’re doing ‘bout the drug situ in town,” I assure him. “Surprised to see you boys up so early, especially after last night.” When I’d left last night, they’d both still been balls deep. Screwy was hanging out the back of the slut with all the tattoos, while his twin tested out one of the new hangouts.

“We’re heading in to see Tac at the studio,” Squealer speaks for them both.

“You got any more fuckin’ space?” I look them both over, the pair of them are covered with ink. It’s the only way to tell them apart.

“I reckon I got a good eleven inches,” Squealer grabs his crotch and winks, I choke a laugh back at him. Screw’s face doesn’t change, but then I don’t expect it to.

The twins get on their bikes, and I head over in the direction they came from. I stop by the garage and check in with Chop. He looks busy, and just as I’m about to offer to get greasy, Skid pulls up with Carly on the back of his bike. She gets off and he tugs at her tiny waist then kisses her with a whole lotta feeling, same way he always does. She waves over to me and Chop, before heading into the clubhouse.

Anyone can see that Skid’s crazy about her, she’s the only bitch, aside from Hayley, who gets any respect around here. Skid would fuck up anyone who didn’t show it.

After bringing the boys up to date with Roswell's visit, I carry on up the dirt track and stop off at the gym. By gym, I mean the large outhouse that’s filled with weights and equipped with a full-sized fighting ring. It’s nothing fancy, but it has everything we need.

“Been a while since your ugly face showed up in here,” Troj shouts across at me. We’re alone, except for Tommy, who’s in the far corner, watching himself in the mirror, struggling to bicep curl a fuckin’ 20.

“Prospect, go down the club, the sofas need a wipe down,” I call over at him, I drop my voice to Troj, but make sure Tommy can still hear me. “Squealer went hard at it last night, slut splodge everywhere.”

Tommy eyeballs me through the mirror. I’d be lying if I said I don’t get enjoyment out of degrading the nasty little shit. Here, we’re all assholes in our own right, but at least we’re upfront about it. Tommy’s slippery as snake shit, and I don’t trust him one bit. “Do I look like a fuckin’ cleaner?”

“You look like a fuckin’ twonk wearing a prospect cut who needs to learn some fuckin’ respect.” I cold stare him, until he slams the dumbbell back on to the bench, and storms out of the gym.

“So seriously, what’s got you here?” Troj asks, already starting to glove up.

“Figured you might want to get your ass kicked.” I gesture my head towards the ring and watch Troj beam.

“Jesus loves a trier Jess, why the fuck not?” Lifting up the top rope he ducks under. I can tell by the way he’s sweating that he’s already done a full workout this morning. If he’s tired, maybe I stand a chance.

I’m hoping that Troj might knock some sense into me. I know that while I’m fighting my mind won’t be on Maddy, and my head really needs a break from her.

Who am I kidding?

Twenty minutes later, and we’re both fucked. Of course, Troj gets the better of me, he gets the best of everyone. He’s too fuckin’ quick not too. I do manage to sneak a few good ones in, but it’s been a pointless exercise, not even getting my skull pounded by Troj’s thunder fists gets Maddy Summers out of my mind. I have to face facts, I’m jealous.

Hayley is spending time with her, and all I get is to hear about it. Even that fucking asshole at the party got more action than me. He touched her with his lips.

The fucker was lucky Maddy’s pretty eyes had convinced me to let him walk away, but she wasn’t there to save him after I dropped them both home and went back to the party. I wanted to drag him down to my cell in the basement, but instead, I gave him a warning. A broken arm, cracked rib, and smashed up face kinda warning.

Now isn’t the time to be lettin’ a bitch get under my skin, the club needs me thinking straight. Everyone has to be on their game, but there seems to be shit all I can do about it. With her, nothing seems like enough. I’ll always want more.

I spend the rest of the day sleeping in my cabin, last night was a long one, and with all the shit going on I haven’t been sleeping well. When I eventually wake up it’s way past six, so I grab a shower, jump on my bike, and ride down to the club. I left my truck down at the club earlier, knowing Nyx would need it to fetch Hayley from Maddy’s place later. And at seven-thirty when I get the call from Hayley to say she’s ready, there’s no sign of him anywhere.

I get in the truck and go for her myself. I’ll be picking her up outside, doubt I’ll even see Maddy, but I take my cut off anyway. I’m not on club business, so there’s no need to wear it, or at least that’s what I tell myself.

The whole way there I remind myself what a lousy idea this is… I should be trying to forget her. I could have sent Tommy or worked harder to find Nyx, and yet I continue to drive towards Maddy’s house and when I get there, they’re both sat waiting on her porch steps.

I almost choke on my own fuckin’ breath at the sight of her. The simple white vest and short denim cut offs make her look incredible without even trying. Both girls stand up when they see me pull up, and I can’t help staring as Maddy lightly dusts off her hands on her back pockets and follows Hayley over.

“Jessie!” Hayley looks surprised to see me.

“I thought Nyx was picking me up. I told Mads that he would give her a ride to church. Hope that’s okay?” The fake smile she gives me is taunting as she leans through the open window. Church, is she freakin’ kidding me, and what was with the ‘Mads’ all of a sudden?

“Sure thing, Mads, jump on in.” I place my arm over the wheel and lean forward, looking around Hayley to where Maddy’s biting the nail of her index finger nervously. The girl’s sweeter than honey, and it almost makes me feel bad for the things I imagine doing to her.


She climbs into the back of my truck, and I twist to watch her buckle up. “So, church?” I let my eyes absorb her up, everything, from her soft golden hair to her perfect round tits, and I can tell she notices me looking by the rush of pink that flushes to her cheeks.