His eyes dare me to do the same, and without a second thought I opened my mouth and stuck out my tongue out for him. Cobie smiles a wicked smile, taking another pill out from the bag, and placing it on my tongue.
It tastes vile, so I swallow it fast, reaching out for a drink to wash away the bitter taste that clings to the back of my throat. Cobie chuckles as he passes me his beer, and I knock it back and then… wait.
At first, I wonder what the fuck Cobie has been talking about, I feel no different, he could have given me aspirin for all the good it’s done, but after a few more songs I start to feel different, better, lighter. Fucking amazing.
The music gets louder, beating through my chest and synchronizing with my heartbeat. When Maddy returns she watches me suspiciously, but I carry on letting the beat of the music control my movements. I’m dancing on clouds, my body weightless. For once, I’m the one having fun, and any care that I ever had, seems to have been swallowed away with the magic pill Cobie has given me.
I feel her hand when she grips my wrist and laugh at her fierce yank when she drags me through the house to the bathroom.
“Wow, Hay, chill the fuck down you’re sweating,” Maddy says throwing me a towel. I pat it against my forehead and check my make up in the mirror, struggling to focus properly.
“Are you okay?” Maddy asks, concern all over her pretty perfect face.
“I’m fine. Why?”
“You just look kinda spaced that’s all.”
Her head falls to one side, and she studies me curiously.
I laugh at her again.
“I’m good,” I assure her—not good, fucking amazing. I manage not to add that though. Not that I care what she thinks, tonight Hayley Carson answers to no one.
“Okay... So, I need to ask you something?” she starts nervously, resting her ass on the edge of the bath.
“Shoot,” I try my best to sound serious, lifting my hair up from my sticky neck, it’s so hot in here and the music is so loud that the walls are vibrating in unison with the bass.
“That guy, Jessie. Who is he?” she asks awkwardly.
“Jessie’s… he’s just Jessie,” I shrug casually, missing out the part that Jessie is fuckin’ everything, including the reason that my heart beats.
“He’s kinda hot,” she admits, biting her lip nervously while she waits for my reaction. “And… he seems really nice,” she adds when I say nothing.
“Hmmm nice.” I throw my head back and laugh like a Disney villain, and Maddy looks back at me confused.
“Jessie isn’t who you think he is,” I tell her. A sudden surge of jealousy starts to kill my buzz. I need to get the fuck out of this tiny room before the walls that are moving inwards close in on me completely.
I open the door and rush past the people in the hall, looking for Cobie. I don’t care whether Maddy follows me or not. I can’t listen to her gush about Jessie, not when I can’t tell her how I feel about him myself.
Cobie’s face lights up when he sees me walking towards him and when he places his hand on my waist and pulls me against his body, I let him.
“You feelin’ good, baby?” he whispers inside my ear.
“I think, maybe you could make me feel better.” I smile, sliding my hand into his pocket. And he nods when I pull out his little baggy. He takes another one of his pills out, popping it on to my tongue. This time I don’t worry about how it tastes, my whole body hums with the bitterness. I let the music take over again, not caring about what happens around me.
Slowly, I start to care less and less about Maddy or Jessie. The music is my only focus, the only thing that matters is the next beat. Everything else I shut out. Maddy is trying to talk to me, yelling over the music, but I blank her out too. I can’t remember how long it takes my brain to start fighting to escape my skull, but Maddy is still pulling at me trying to get me to go with her. I push her away, turn my back on her, and continue dancing with Cobie.
The room spins so fast I want to get off, and I tip my head back to look up at the ceiling. Something catches me, and the humidity of the room vanishes, replaced with a cool breeze that dances over my skin. I hear slamming, panicked voices, and the word ‘hospital’. Voices in my head argue, and a girl cries, I wonder if it’s me.
The ground stops moving under me, and I feel the breeze again. Somehow my body moves without any work from my feet, and I fall on to something soft. I try to focus on something, anything other than the pounding in my head, but I can’t. I want to leave, to escape the sinking feeling but I’m trapped. I can’t get out of my body.
The clubhouse is packed tonight, and everyone seems to be in a good place. I swear I even saw Grimm crack a creepy smile when I looked over at him earlier.
I’m still sober. Sober enough to grab Mel before Squealer gets to her. Fuck being the second man in after him. Bitch’ll be lucky if she sits down after a week.
Mel is riding me like she’s about to win the Kentucky fuckin’ derby, but my head is in another place. Too busy wondering what Maddy is doing with her Saturday night.
Mel catches me off guard, moving in for my lips. I quickly lower my head, scraping my teeth against the tight skin at her neck until she cries out, and her pussy clenches my cock tighter.