Page 61 of Wanting the Fight

The anger coursing through my body was beyond anything I’d ever felt.

The man jerked Wren’s sports bra aside and gripped her breasts again before moving his hand to her shorts. I couldn’t watch anymore. Before I could turn away, I focused on Wren’s face. The fire in her eyes grew as if a switch had been turned inside her. She elbowed the guy in the face, his blood splattering across the mat. But she didn’t stop there. She kneed him in the groin, simultaneously pounding his face until he rolled off her.

Clutching his face, the guy got to his feet, his blood blinding him. Wren fixed her sports bra and stormed over to the whip. I held a hand over my mouth, knowing what would come next. Wren wielded the whip and slashed it across the man’s head repeatedly. The leather straps marked his body and drew blood everywhere they met his skin.

Her screams pierced the air, and it brought chills to my skin. She reminded me of one of the Amazon warriors inWonder Woman. The man collapsed to the mat in a puddle of blood while Wren circled him, her chest heaving up and down. I thought she was done punishing him, but then she stormed over to his motionless body and kicked him so hard in the face that he tumbled across the mat. It was then that she fell to her knees, clearly exhausted.

“Fascinating,” Martin breathed, his mouth gaping as he stared at Wren. I wanted to do the same thing to him that Wren did to that worthless piece of shit lying in his own blood. Martin glanced over at me, his eyes lit with wonder. “I was going to get rid of her after filming, but I think she’ll be a good addition to my staff. The guys might be afraid of her after this.”

He’d confirmed my fears about what they were going to do to her, but it brought me relief that he wanted her alive. The two robed men opened the cage, and one escorted Wren out while the other checked on the guy who still hadn’t moved. Martin’s walkie-talkie beeped, and a guy’s voice came over the speaker.

“Sir, he’s dead. She killed him.”

That was the last thing I expected to hear. Did he deserve it? Yes. Was I happy she killed him?Yes. I didn’t even feel a shred of guilt.

Martin burst out laughing. “Excellent. The people are going to love it.”

The walkie-talkie beeped again. “There’s another problem.”

Martin’s smile faded. “What?”

“The other two men who were supposed to fight the girl want to back out. One of them even pissed himself watching the fight.”

Martin watched as the dead fighter was pulled out of the ring, his blood leaving a trail. “You know what to do then.” I had no doubt what he meant by that. “Besides, I think Ms. Langston did enough. Have her take a shower and get dressed. I want to talk to her.”

“You got it, boss. We’ll get everything cleaned up for the next round of fights.”

Martin pocketed his walkie-talkie and sighed. “That was thrilling, wasn’t it?”

I glared at him. “If you’re talking about the part where that cocksucker met his end, yes.”

Martin chuckled in surprise, clearly not expecting that comment from me. “It doesn’t bother you that you just watched a man lose his life?”

“Not when it’s a man like that,” I replied.

Martin sighed and moved over to the TV mounted on the wall. “Well, now that we won’t be watching any more fights with Ms. Langston, how about I amuse you with something else? There’s some behind-the-scenes footage I thought you might like to see.”

It felt like a rock had plummeted in my gut. I knew it was going to involve Ethan. Sure enough, when he turned on the TV, I saw him on the screen, bound in chains to a chair with blood dripping from his face onto the floor.



My wrists and ankles were bound so fucking tight to the chair that I couldn’t feel my fingers or toes. I didn’t make it easy on the cocksuckers, though. I knew my time was coming, and I wasn’t about to let any of them break me. That was what they wanted. It was clear they knew I had a fighting chance. But still, my thoughts were constantly on Peyton. I didn’t know if she was okay or if anyone had hurt her. I was going out of my fucking mind, especially when I watched the fight between the girl and that tool who was her opponent. They chose the right woman to play Gabriella’s part, but when they took her away, I had a feeling I’d never see her again.

I’d heard the guys talking earlier. None of the men picked for the movie would see the light of day after tonight. But, of course, I knew that meant me as well, only I didn’t know how I would get free. One thing was for sure, I was going to save Peyton, even if I died trying.

The door burst open and Caden strolled in alone, circling me with a grin on his face. “Tonight’s the night,” he said, his voice echoing from behind me.

“Yes, it is. Although, I think I’m flattered. Your guys see me as so much of a threat that they tied me up.”

Caden chuckled. “Them, maybe, but not me.”

“Let me go then,” I challenged.

Caden stopped in front of me, his gaze narrowed and condescending. “That’s not a good idea since I’m about to tell you how much fun I had with your girl. I don’t need a reason to kill you before the fight.”

Teeth clenched, I pulled against the chains, my skin turning raw. “Motherfucker. I swear, if you’ve hurt her in any way, I’ll rip off your goddamn head.”