Caden moved closer and that was when I got a good look at his wrists. There were bloody gashes from what looked like fingernail marks on his skin. Caden held up and arm and inspected the marks.
“She sure did put up a fight. But it felt good feeling that tight pussy of hers around my cock.”
I jerked against the restraints, my body shaking with undeniable rage. “You fucking piece of shit!”I roared.
Adrenaline soared through my veins, and my chest pounded. I couldn’t get enough breaths in, so I sucked in as much air as possible, my lungs burning like fire.
Caden smirked and licked his lips. “She tastes so damn good too. You’ll see my marks around her neck tonight. I’ll be sure to fuck her harder once the fight’s over. We’ll have a lot of celebrating to do.”
The guttural scream that ripped from my throat tore out of my body as if he’d just taken away my life. I despised the thought of him hurting Peyton, touching her. She needed protection, and I'd failed her.
I couldn't stop him.
I wanted to kill him with every fiber of my being. Seeing her tonight was going to tear me apart. Caden patted my shoulder and laughed as he walked to the door.
“See you tonight, Jameson.”
The second he was gone, I unleashed the pain inside of my soul. My throat burned, and the anguish in my heart consumed me.
“I’m sorry, Peyton. I’m so fucking sorry.”
I’d never cried so damn hard in my life. I watched as Caden goaded Ethan, ripping him apart with his words. The screams were the worst. I could hear them all around me and felt his suffering. Caden had succeeded with his plan; he wanted to break Ethan’s spirit and his focus. Because now in the ring, Ethan would be driven by vengeance. Mistakes could happen when one loses focus. Deadly mistakes.
I wanted to go to Ethan, to tell him it was all lies. However, I knew the second Ethan saw the bruises around my neck, it’d make him believe it was true. It’d make him angry and impulsive, just what Caden wanted.
I felt numb as I watched the rest of the fights. There were five deaths in total, but as the victors left in triumph, I knew it’d be short-lived. Because once the winners left, they were going straight to the grave. I’d seen more blood in three hours than there was in the entireGame of Thronesseries.
Eric drove me back to the plantation on Martin’s orders so I could take a break from the bloodshed. I was thankful it wasn’t Caden. But seriously, it felt as if I was in a horror movie. A part of me kept thinking I’d wake up from the nightmare, but I’d pinched myself a million times and, sadly, I was still here.
When I arrived at my room, there was a silky black dress on the bed with a bag full of expensive makeup beside it, along with a note that said:Make yourself beautiful for the camera. Be ready to go by seven.I snatched the letter and ripped it apart, tossing the shreds onto the floor. I had todosomething. The only way out was through the windows, but I was on the second floor. Of course, Martin had to put me in a room with no door to the wraparound porch. Still, I had to try. If I could get to a phone, I could call for help.
The windows were too high for me to reach the lock, so I pushed the couch up against the wall and stood on it. I didn’t see anyone walking around the yard, but several cars were in the driveway. It was stupid and desperate to try and break free from a guarded fortress, but I couldn’t sit idly by.
Before I could push the window up, someone cleared their throat from behind. I slowly stepped off the couch with a heavy sigh and turned around. It was Wren, dressed all in black with her arms crossed at her chest.
“Seriously?” she scolded. “Have you lost your damn mind?”
I waved a hand up and down her body. “I see you accepted Martin’s proposal.”
Wren’s face remained blank. “I did what I had to do.”
I looked away. “I understand.”
She stalked toward me and pointed out the window. “Obviously, you don’t. Martin has his guys everywhere out there. If you got caught, I can assure you that your next set of accommodations won’t be as grand as this,” she stated, waving a hand about the room. “You’ll be locked in the basement where youcan’tget out.”
I threw my arms up in the air. “So, what am I supposed to do? Ethan’s getting ready to fight, and the only time I’ve been able to see him today was by watching a video where Caden practically told him he raped me.”
Wren flinched. “Yeah, I think everyone in the warehouse heard Ethan’s yells after that.” She grabbed my hands. “Trust me, if I could get to Ethan and talk to him, I would, but I can’t risk getting caught.” Her focus landed on my neck, and she snarled. “Son of a bitch! Did Caden do that to you?” She let my hands go and turned my head to the side. Just that tiny movement made me hiss in pain.
“He didn’t like that I told him to go to hell.”
Wren huffed. “I hope Ethan beats the shit out of him tonight. There’s nothing more dangerous than a man wanting to protect the woman he loves. The second he sees you, he’s going to fucking lose it.”
“That’s what I’m afraid of,” I said, my lips trembling. “He’ll be so blinded by his rage that he won’t focus. I’ve been in the fighting world my entire life. I know it’s important to keep a level head.”