Page 60 of Wanting the Fight

Grabbing onto his wrists, I tried to pry him away, but he was too strong.

“I’m getting sick and tired of your fucking mouth,” he growled. “Either show me some goddamned respect, or I’ll force it out of you.”

I couldn’t get a breath in, and I panicked. Caden’s grip on my neck grew tighter, more bruising. All I could do was claw at his wrists. The world started to dim around me, but Caden let me go.

Falling to my knees, I hunched over and sucked in a ragged breath. Tears clouded my vision, and I had to squint against the light as someone entered the room, the sunlight filtering in from outside.

“What the fuck is going on here?” It was Martin.

I looked up to see Caden storm over to him. “One way or another, shewilllisten to me.”

He marched out the door and Martin sighed as he came over to me, offering me a hand. I smacked it away and got up on my own. When I was on my feet, I moved to the furthest chair away from him and sat down.

“You have your mother’s stubborn disposition, but it’s not going to work here, Peyton. My son has no patience for it.”

I tried to speak, but my voice came out as a rasp. “You’re all fucked up in the head.”

Martin chuckled and sat beside me. “I can see why you’d think that. Caden’s been obsessed with my videos ever since I adopted him. You could say he’s grown an infinity to Rage’s character. That’s why I knew he’d want to star as him in the remake.”

“Rage was a woman-killing bastard,” I seethed.

Martin patted my leg and I cringed with his touch. “Then I recommend you do what Caden wants. I’d hate to see something happen to you, sweet girl. You’re too beautiful to be discarded.” Martin stood and looked down at his watch. “All right, it’s time to start filming. Ms. Langston is ready.”

I wiped the tears away from my eyes. “What kind of men is she fighting?”

It was so hard to speak from the pain in my neck.

Martin smiled. “The same kind your mother did. These men have a taste for hurting women; they get off on it. If Wren’s anything like Gabriella, she’ll easily make it through. I’m curious to see how she does.” He pulled out a black walkie-talkie from his waistband and spoke into it. “Bring Wren out. The cameras are ready.” I was hoping he’d have a phone on him, but I didn’t see one. He motioned me over to the window. “You’re going to want to watch this.”

It was the last thing I wanted to watch, but I had to make sure Wren was okay. I stood and peered down into the cage just as Wren was pushed into it by two men in black robes. She stood in the center and circled around, her eyes darting back and forth as if terrified.

Martin tapped on the window. “Tell me, is she acting, or is that fear real?”

“It’s hard to tell,” I answered honestly. But I hoped it was fake.

Martin stared down at her in fascination. “I let her watch the videos of your mother when she fought. It looks like Wren’s taking my pointers to heart. Now, that’s a good actress. I told her to act scared, and that’s exactly what she’s giving me.”

A few seconds later, the two robed men came out of the darkness with a guy strolling behind them. The men who had fought my mother were disgusting pieces of shit with beer bellies and moved as slow as molasses. But the guy about to get in the ring was anything but that. He wasn’t as in shape as most fighters judging by the small amount of extra weight around his midsection, but he was tall and had at least a hundred pounds on Wren. What made it worse was that he had a whip in his hand.

“What the hell is this? That guy could crush her in a matter of seconds.”

There was so much bloodlust in Martin’s eyes that it made me sick. “Don’t worry, sweet girl,” he said. “If she’s as strong as your mother, she’ll make it through.”

Wren bounced on her feet, and I sent up a silent prayer.Please God, give her the strength she needs. The robed men shut the cage doors, locking Wren in there with the man. My pulse pounded so hard in my ears that it was the only thing I could hear.

The man cracked the whip, and Wren jumped back. She looked up at the window, and even though I knew she couldn’t see me through the glass, I could see her. There was determination in her eyes, a power only a true fighter had.

Come on, Wren.

The man went on the attack, using his massive body to pin her in. She jumped out of his way and rolled across the mat, but not before he slapped the whip across the back of her thighs. I could hear her scream echo through the room as she fell to her knees. The guy charged at her and tackled her to the mat, pressing his body into hers. He tossed the whip away so he could use both of his hands.

“I gave her the hard one first. She’ll breeze through the last two if she can defeat him.”

I didn’t even want to respond to that. She was outmatched and clearly the vulnerable one in the ring. Her life hadn’t been easy, and now she’d found herself in a shitty situation just to earn money to survive in the world.

The guy had Wren’s arms pinned above her head with one hand while the other violated her body, gripping her breasts and touching all over her.

“No!” I shouted, pounding on the glass. “You son of a bitch, get off her!” I grabbed Martin’s arm. “You have to stop him. Are you going to let that bastard rape her?”