“I’m so sorry for putting you through this.” Ethan’s arms come around me tightly again. As much as I enjoy their comfort, I know it will hurt so much more when he walks away.
“You don’t have to worry about me. I’m fine. Just go.” The words are leaving my lips, but they’re void of any meaning.
“I’m not leaving you, baby.” His arms tighten just a bit more. My breathing becomes labored with the lack of air I am able to take in through the sobs. “Shhhh. I’ve got you. I’m not letting you go. It’s you and me, remember? Breathe, baby. Slow, deep breaths.” He continues to hold me and gently begins rocking his body back and forth with me tucked into his chest.
Why is here? I just need to bite the bullet and ask him so I can move on. “Wha… Why… How…” I stumble, not sure how to phrase my question.
“What?” he whispers as he continues rocking.
“Why are you here?”
“To be with you. As soon as Preston got me out, he told me you had disappeared. He said he called your parents after no one could get a hold of you all night. I called your parents begging them to tell me where you were. I hated being away from you all night. I screwed up, but I will take care of everything. I’m sorry for acting like an ass.”
Why is he apologizing? Everything is my fault.
“You hated being away from me?”
“Of course, I did. I can’t sleep for shit without you. And I really didn’t want to sleep where I was anyway,” he answers easily.
“Wait…so you’re not breaking up with me?” I ask, still trying to understand his and Preston’s distant behavior.
“What the hell? No! Of course not. Why would you think that?” He pushes me away from his chest to look me in the eye. A knock on the door disrupts our conversation. “Who’s that?” he asks, clearly annoyed.
“My food,” I answer meekly.
He stands to open the door. The room service attendant brings in the tray, and Ethan pulls out his wallet, tipping him as he walks out the door. I stand and make my way to the bed.
“How long were you planning on hiding here?” Ethan looks at me after seeing the three covered plates on the table. I just shrug my shoulders as I begin to control the sobs.
“Aww, baby. Why would you think I would break up with you?” He sits down on the bed next to me.
“Because…when,” I pause trying to articulate my thoughts, “I was talking to you when they had you in the cop car, and you were so distant. Then Preston calls your dad in private, and when I asked to go with him, he told me to stay home. It was like y’all were pushing me away. Or that’s what it felt like.”
“I’m sorry. I did push you away, but it was because I was pissed at myself for letting Caleb win. I should never have gotten out of the car. My temper got the better of me. I was mad at myself for doing that to you. Worrying you. My dad is pissed, but at me, not you. Nothing is your fault.” He is shaking his head at me.
“But it is my fault.”
“Let’s eat while we talk.” He stands up and pulls the covers off the plates before bringing over each of them and placing them in the middle of the bed. “Hungry?” he asks as he sees the burger and fries, waffle, and Cajun chicken sandwich.
“Very. And I was going to comfort gorge myself too,” I guiltily admit.
“May I?” he asks as he goes in for a fry.
“Of course.”
He grabs some fries and sticks them in his mouth as I pick up the knife to cut the burger and sandwich in half to share.
“Everything that has happened is my fault, Ethan. I am the one who dated the crazy person. I introduced him to everyone. Because of me, you were arrested.”
Ethan finishes chewing his food and swallows before continuing. “Wrong, baby. Not your fault. His. And mine. You dated him and trusted him. You never could have known this is how things would turn out. I acted impulsively and let my need to beat the shit out of him control me. I could have driven off, but I didn’t. I’m sorry. But know, I’m not ending us. Are you?”
“No.” I take a bite.
“So can we eat and get out of here? I’m ready to go home. I’m done with hotels.”
As we eat the food I ordered, we continue discussing last night’s events and the short discussion he had with his father and their lawyer. They are not worried about the charges but still fear for my safety. His lawyer is going to try and rush through an order of protection based on the damage to my car and the eyewitness statement. He will try and add all the texts I have been receiving, but since it is an unavailable number, he isn’t sure if he can admit them.
On the drive to Ethan’s house, I call my parents to keep them informed of the situation. My dad did not seem surprised by my change of heart to stay in San Antonio. Ethan smirks at me from the driver’s seat as I speak to my dad. My parents will be in town at the end of the week to meet the lawyer and escort me to the university to speak with the police department.