When I finally disconnect the call, after my mom gives me an earful, Ethan reaches over, pulling my hand to his lips and placing a kiss on my palm. My heart skips a beat at the feeling of his touch. I want so desperately to build the confidence in myself I need to trust—trust my sense of self, my decisions, my voice, my abilities, my direction.
* * *
Ethan’s lawyercame by his house to discuss our options. He had me sign some paperwork he would be filing with the university police department, and he made an appointment for me to give my personal statement. He hoped to have everything in order before classes begin next week. He also checked on Caleb and discovered he made bail and was released.
Ethan was not happy with this news, but it is completely out of his control. Rick and Ethan are as worried about my safety as my parents.
Rick called my parents to speak with them about everything being done for my safety. I spoke with them, and they seemed to be taking everything in stride. Surely Ethan’s presence has helped immensely. I had planned on staying at Ethan’s house the remainder of the week to give Lena and Preston privacy, but now I would be doing it with my parents’ blessing. They think I will be staying until the order of protection is approved and enforced.
* * *
As we lie in bed,he holds me tightly against him, his hands caressing me gently, his touch more protective than sensual. We have not spoken since before we crawled into bed.
“What are you thinking about?” I ask, unable to curb my curiosity.
“You,” he whispers quietly.
“Why me?”
“How could I think about anything else? What could have happened to you if you were home alone? What does Caleb think he can gain by his asinine actions? What would I do without you?”
“What would you do without me?” I lift myself up on an elbow to look down at his face, marred by worry. “What would I do without you? You have been here to catch me every step of the way. Thinking about how many times you have caught me is a bit embarrassing. I don’t want to be a burden on you. I want to be able to do the same for you. And in case I haven’t said it enough already…thank you. Thank you for always catching me when I don’t think you should or when I didn’t think you would. Thank you for the patience you show me and my never-ending doubts. Thank you for being you and loving me.” A single tear slides down my cheek now that I’ve given voice to my emotions, which have been in turmoil for the past twenty-four hours. I lower myself to him, my lips meeting his in a tender kiss.
“You will be. There is plenty of time for a give and take. You need me right now, and I’m here. When I need you, I have no doubt you will be there.” He pauses, looking at me seriously. “I do need you to have faith in us though. I know last night was anything but a normal night, but…I don’t want you running away from me. Talk to me.”
I nod my head, knowing that all comes with time and making myself stronger. “I know. I’ll try.” I mold myself to his side, loving the feel of his strong body next to mine.
* * *
The remainderof spring break passes quickly. My parents are still wary because Caleb will still be able to attend school. The order of protection was signed by a judge, but as long as he follows the stipulations in the order, he can continue his education. Ethan and Mike are able to ease my parents’ worries a bit with their insistence that they’ll be my personal escorts to and from class.
While the week had its stresses, I began to see so many other amazing things. My mom has always told me that everything happens for a reason. She also believes in exercising patience because all will be revealed. For the first time, these begin to hold meaning for me.
I have learned so much about myself this year, things that would have stayed hidden had I not ventured out on my own. While this year has been difficult, the lessons are necessary and beneficial.
My inherent introverted personality will always be with me, but with that knowledge, I know I will have to work on my unease in unknown situations. I will have to believe I am strong enough to succeed in those situations also. I cannot let self-doubt control me. I will have to trust that I am good enough.
If I had chosen the “easy” route and followed some of my friends to college, I may not have struggled this year, but I might still be oblivious to the shortcomings I have to mend. I would still be following on their coattails instead of forging my own path. All of these lessons are priceless. I finally see the benefits of this year and am happy to have lived through it. Would I have chosen this path had I known? Probably not. But that is the thing about life, it leads you through obstacles to build your strength and character.
“If you don’t hurryup, you’re not going to make it to class on time!” Ethan yells through the bathroom door. This is a never-ending morning ritual we have. Mornings are just not my friend, so every morning Ethan bribes me out of bed with a cup of coffee and practically shoves me into the shower.
I squirt shampoo in my hand and start to massage, reminiscing about our honeymoon stage, when he would join me in the shower. Those mornings really got me going, but as we have settled in together, my morning sleep has won out over shower fun, especially when I know I can haveFUNanytime I want.
We do not officially live together—we both have our own places—but I am here every single night, and my entire wardrobe has made its way into his closet and taken up residence. It happened over time after Lena and I got our own off-campus apartment the summer after our freshman year. I still cannot believe three years have gone by.
My thoughts drift back to our beginning, and I think about Caleb. He eventually gave up his obsession with me and moved on when he saw that Ethan and I were serious, that and that Ethan and Mike never left my side while on campus for the remainder of that semester. The order of protection was enforced, and the one time he tried to get close to me, he ended up arrested again. It was his second strike at the university—one more time and he would be expelled.
The bathroom door opens, and Ethan walks in to stand in front of the glass shower door. With eyebrow cocked and lips pursed he says, “Seriously, babe, your last exam, and you’re going to be late.”
“I’m going!” I respond, exasperated, rolling my eyes. I really have no right to be, but my dramatics are always fun. At least I think so.
I step out of the shower and wrap a large towel around myself. I grab the back of his neck and rise up on my tiptoes, bringing my lips to his. When I pull away, I whisper, “It’s been a while since we had morning shower fun.”
A low growl rumbles in his throat as he pushes me away softly. “Get dressed. If you keep teasing, you will miss that exam and you are here for another semester. Without me.”
I hate it when he is right. Our move back home is already scheduled after our graduations.