Myles snarled in response. “So, you had a hand in that massacre, did you?”

“Perhaps it never would have happened if you hadn’t made it a habit to kidnap our women. You took my goddamn mother.”

I gasped. “But you told me that she died in a car crash.”

“Because that’s much more believable then telling you that she was abducted by dragons.” He shouted, spittle flying from his lips. “These two men are dangerous. They manipulate women with their sweet words and charming looks but it’s all just an act to get them into bed so they can keep producing more dragons. Trust me, I’ve studied them all my life trying to get revenge and I guess today’s my lucky day.” He reached for his gun but I stopped him.


“But Rosie, these men kidnapped you. They forced you into a relationship.”

“They didn’t force me to do anything. I went with them because I wanted to. Simple as that.” I looked away. “So, let them go.”

“I can’t do that, this bugger assaulted me.”

“I said, let them go or I tell the whole world that you’ve been fucking around with the entire female staff. Now, you choose, either keep this man in custody and lose your job, or let him go and no one is wiser for it.”

“Rosie… you’re making a huge mistake trying to protect these guys. They wouldn’t do the same for you.”

“I don’t want to hear another word.” I snapped. “Now, get out of my face, both of you. I thought you were being honest with me but I guess that’s what I get for thinking I can trust anyone in this world.”

Foster tried to protest but Myles held him back. The air around them became heavy as they left the room and, hopefully, my life.

“Do you want me to take you home?” Jake asked.

“Don’t think this means I forgive you.” I hissed. “Stay away from me.”

Chapter 12: Foster

“Are we really going to let her go like this?” I asked, pacing around our living room. I hadn’t been able to sit still since returning to the village. “What if something happens to her? And what about the baby?”

“She has made herself clear. She no longer wants to see us.” Myles was busy playing a game of solitaire. He did so whenever something was bothering him. “I will not force her into a union if she is not willing.”

“I am not saying we should force her into it. All I am saying is that we need to talk to her. Clearly, she doesn’t know the whole story. She’s just taking his side of things…! And it isn’t right!” I slammed my fist against the wall.


“What?” I snapped. “I’m sorry but I can’t just sit here and play solitaire while my mate thinks I’m some sort of monster. I’ve waited all my life to find that special someone and now that asshole wants to take it all away.” Usually, I’m the calm one of the two of us, but this situation was just driving me insane. How could Rosie just throw us away like that? Did she not understand how much she means to us?

“Look. I’m not saying we sit here and do nothing. We will win her back one way or another but I think it best if we give her some time to think things over. I am sure she will come to her senses if she has the time to reflect upon such things.”

“And if she decides that we are hell-spawn and that she wants nothing to do with us?” I shot back. “I’m not letting her go, Myles, I refuse.”

“And neither am I. I’d be damned if I allowed anything to happen to her or our unborn child but we cannot force her. She must come willingly.” He said while clearing the table and gathering the cards into a deck. He shuffled them slowly. “We will convince her but we have to be smart about it…”

“Because if we’re not then we might piss off the law enforcement and force the past to repeat itself.” I finished for him. “I know, I know. But you have to agree, this is agonizing.”

“It is.” He agreed. “But better to suffer this pain now than to lose everything we love.”


“How much longer do we have to wait? It’s been a few months by human time. She must think we have abandoned her.” I followed Myles into the hunting grounds. I had a bow in my hand while he carried a dagger.

Myles preferred to hunt as a dragon but from time to time he would accompany me on a foot trail.

My wings flapped in agitation when Myles refused to answer me. I had half a mind to go after Rosie myself. If I could only talk to her for five minutes, I was sure I could convince her that we aren’t the monsters she thinks we are.

A deer poked his head through the thicket, looking around for a fresh patch of grass. When he found it, he munched leisurely while I lined up my shot. My