Her eyes widened. “What? You didn’t hear? He got arrested.” She lowered her voice. “I wasn’t here but I heard it was a bloodbath.”

The color drained from my face. “A bloodbath? What happened?”

“Well, you see, your ex, Jake, walked in here wanting to talk to him. Next thing, they’re throwing punches at one another so Foster gets taken in for assaulting an officer.” She shook her head. “Which really screws me over because now I have to work all these extra shifts while they try to find a replacement.”

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“Come on.” Myles took my hand and pulled me out of the café with this mean look on his face.

“Wait. I know what you’re thinking and you can’t just burn down the police station. That isn’t going to work.”

Myles growled, “That wasn’t my intention but now that you mention it, that’s not a bad idea. I think I might try it.”

“Myles.” I squeezed his arm in an attempt to calm him down. “You’re letting your temper get the best of you. I know that Jake is a douchebag but you can’t let him get under your skin like this. We need to keep our heads about us or this is going to end badly.”

It looked like he wasn’t really listening to me.

“This can go one of two ways. Either, you listen to what I have to say or you end up getting arrested and I’m forced to raise this baby as a single mother.”

He eased his shoulders letting them sag back to their normal position. “Fine. What do you suggest?”

“We go to the police station and talk to Jake. I’m sure I can knock some sense into him.”

“Despite what he did to you, you still think he would listen?” Myles countered.

He had a point. I had no idea how he would react but it was worth a shot, for Foster’s sake at least. “We have to try.” I insisted. “Or we’ll be forced to involve lawyers and from that point, it’ll be insanely messy. Plus, his chances will be slim. Everyone sides with a cop.”

“I don’t like this…” Myles huffed but nonetheless, he followed me to the station.

The building was drab and colorless. It gave me the shivers as soon as I walked inside. Instinctively, my hand fell to my stomach as if I intended to protect my baby from the negative atmosphere that surrounded us.

Behind the counter sat a heavy-set officer with a balding head. “Can I help you?”

“I need to talk to Officer Borges.”

“Give me a second.” He pressed the button on his receiver. “Jake, there’s a girl out here that wants to talk to you.”


It took a while but we were finally escorted to a room. It was small, outfitted with nothing more than a steel table and a chair. That chair was currently occupied by Foster who had his hands in cuffs.

I ran forward to try and hug him but Jake stopped me. “Rosie! You’re okay!” He tried to act concerned but I knew it was all just an act.

“Of course, I’m okay, why wouldn’t I be?”

“I’ve been trying to contact you for well over a month with no response. Your house looks deserted. I thought something had happened to you.”

“Wait… a month? But I’ve only been gone for a couple of days.”

“No, Rosie… it’s been a month.” He took a step back and examined me for any injuries. “Are you okay? On any medication?”

“No. I’m not on any medication. What are you talking about? This doesn’t make any sense. I’ve only been gone for a few days.”

Jake shook his head and handed over a stack of unread mail. “Does this look like a few days’ mail to you?”

My eyes widened. “But…”

Suddenly, Jake pulled me behind his body. “I get it now. You two are some of those vermin, aren’t you? I encountered a lot of your kind when I was a youngster. My father wiped it out – every last one.”