hand trembled as I thought about Rosie. Every minute apart felt like a knife slicing right through my heart. I couldn’t take this heartache much longer. I needed her in my arms again.

I dropped my bow. “Myles. I can’t.”

He stopped and considered me for a moment. “We must wait for the right time. I will tell you when it comes but until it does, we will remain in the village. The longer we stay silent…”

“No!” I shouted. “I can stay silent no longer. It is killing me. I do not have the patience of an Alpha.” I started to lose myself, knees buckling until I hit the ground. “This is torture and I do not understand how you can bear it so willingly. She is just a flight away. That’s it. And yet we wait here like cowards.”

“Trust me,” Myles said while looking into my eyes. “When the time is right, we will speak with her and return things to the way they should be.” Just then, he straightened his posture and looked to the west where Rosie’s house lay. He sniffed the air and a knowing smile crossed his face.

“What?” I asked, noting that something was happening. “Myles, answer me. What’s going on?”

“It is time.” He said. “Finally.”

Chapter 13: Rosie

A few months later.

I sighed and returned to the couch with a carton of ice cream in my hand. Despite the time that had gone by, I still thought about the dragons who had placed the baby into my belly. I ran my hand over the bump. It was getting bigger and bigger with each passing day.

What was I supposed to do when it finally came time to give birth? I couldn’t exactly go to a regular hospital when I was carrying a dragon. I’d probably turn into some sort of science experiment for the United States government. But sooner rather than later I would need to come up with a game plan. Maybe I could ask Misty for some help but that would mean encountering the two men I was trying to avoid.

It was all much too complicated.

My best option was just to keep my distance and take it one step at a time.

So, I flicked through the channels but there really wasn’t anything worth watching. In the end, I settled for some sitcom. At least it was relatively fun and god knows I needed a laugh or two.

“Damn… did I eat this whole thing already?” I asked aloud, looking into the empty ice cream container. “You have quite the appetite little buddy.” With a fond smile on my face, I patted my stomach. While the whole situation was a mess, I couldn’t deny the fact that I was excited to be a mother. I wanted nothing more than to pamper my child with love and affection.

All of a sudden, I felt something – the tiniest of kicks – against my stomach. I gasped, now resting two hands on my bump. Again, the baby gave a little kick.

It filled me with immense joy but at the same time, it saddened me. I would be forced to raise this baby on my own.

“I will do everything I can to give you the life you deserve,” I whispered ever so softly. “No matter what it takes.”

With this thought in mind, I returned to my workstation for the night. Raising a child was not easy and I knew it didn’t come cheap. I would have to work a lot of extra hours in order to afford everything the baby needed. Just thinking about it made me tired but what choice did I have? Without Myles and Foster, the baby was all I had left in this world.


Try as I might, I couldn’t concentrate on my work. My vision kept getting blurry and my head pulsed with a migraine.

I opened up a window to let in a bit of fresh air. As soon as I did so I was hit with an invisible force. It made the air thick. I had felt this before.

The connection.

It was most intense inside the tent but even now I knew what it was – my body yearning for its mates. I tried to keep back the feeling but it was impossibly hard. I couldn’t hide forever. I needed to get to the bottom of this once and for all.

So, I donned my coat and walked out the door. Before I could make it to my car, I was confronted by Jake who stood leaning against the lamp post. “Perfect timing. I was just about to knock.” He said.

“Don’t bother. I’m leaving.”

“Where are you going?” He asked, beating me to the door of my car so it was impossible for me to get inside.

“It’s none of your damn business.” I snapped. “Now get out of my way.”

His eyes dropped to my bulging stomach. “I see those monsters left their seed inside of you.” He clicked his tongue together in disappointment. “I thought you were better than that.”

“You’re one to talk.” I huffed. “You can never keep it in your pants so don’t even give me shit right now.”