“Coming Mum,” I shout out hoping she heard me. “Go.”
He smiles gripping my cheeks and plants a hard kiss on my lips.
“Call you later babe.”
My tummy does a flip every time he calls me that...
He sits on the windowsill and looks out before swinging his legs around and dropping his feet down to step onto the canopy. Looking back, he smiles and winks at me before standing and walking to the edge then jumping. I look down and see him getting up from the grass. Moving to the pavement, he blows a kiss up to me and walks away.
With a satisfied sigh I watch him walk further away before closing the window, then head downstairs to join my mum for dinner.
“Shelby, you need to get up, it’s time for school.”
Mum shaking my shoulder brings me from my deep sleep. My eyes slowly flicker open for a minute then I turn over and snuggle back down into my warm duvet. My eyes close almost instantly as I slip back into a dream.
“Shelby are you up? I’m going to work now. It’s seven-thirty.”
“Yeah, yeah,” I mumble. The next thing I hear is the door shut. Closing my eyes again, I fall back into sleep.
My hand covers my yawn as I wake fully, opening my eyes and looking around until they focus correctly. Lifting my phone from the side of me on the table, I see a text from Jax. Smiling, I open it up.
Good morning, sexy.
He’s up early, he’s never up before ten.
Seeing the clock in the top corner of the screen, my eyes widen.
I jump out of bed when I see the time is ten-thirty, quickly texting Jax back…
Morning. I’m late for school, I’ll ring you on the way.
Love you. Xx
Jumping up from the bed, my tummy churns leaving a sick feeling behind. Standing up a little slower doesn’t help. As soon as I’m on my feet, the same feeling has me running to my bathroom with my hand covering my mouth until I reach the toilet. I empty the non-existent contents of my stomach since I’ve had nothing to eat yet.
Once I’m done, and I know nothing else is going to come up, I swill my mouth with water and wash up, brushing my teeth and getting my clean uniform on. Seeing my reflection in the mirror makes me cringe, I’m pale with dark rings around my eyes. I don't have time for makeup, so It’s going to have to do. I sweep my hair up into a ponytail and go downstairs. I grab my lunch from the side, and two bottles of water putting them into my backpack, then grab a breakfast bar. Hopefully, that will stop me from being sick any longer.
Making sure I’ve got my keys and my phone, I leave for school.
I feel the vibration of my phone ringing from under my pillow. Taking it out, I see Shelby’s name.
Grinning, I answer the call.
“Hey, gorgeous.”
“Hi. I’m so late Jax, and if Mum finds out, I’m dead.”
“Did you oversleep?” I ask her.
“Yeah, I don't even remember her waking me up, but she does every morning.”
“I called you last night?”