“That was close.”
“It could’ve been worse…”
“How do you figure?”
“You could’ve forgotten to lock the door, and she would’ve found us asleep together.”
Gasping, my hand covers my mouth.
“Oh my god yeah…”
Laughing he kisses me again before shuffling out from under the bed.
“I better get going before the dragon comes back.”
“I’m going to have to sneak you out somehow. Let me get changed and I’ll figure a way.”
He stands from the floor and pulls me into him, his arm hooking around the middle of my back…
“You’re a bad girl, you know that?”
“Hmm, I try.” I giggle. I’m not really, but Jax seems to bring the bad out of me, not that I mind…
“Okay gimme five minutes.”
Pushing up to my toes, I kiss him and grab some leggings and a jumper, going into my adjoined bathroom and change out of my uniform.
“How about the window Shelb?” I hear Jax ask outside the bathroom door. I finish off getting dressed, pulling the waistband of my leggings up and open the door.
“You know you could have got those on in here, I wouldn’t have looked - honest…”
“Hmm, I’m sure you would’ve turned away.”
“Well, probably for a second yeah…” A cheeky grin followed by a wink makes me smile too. Clasping my chin between his thumb and finger, he gently kisses me, “Plus it wouldn’t be the first time…” he says against my lips.
I feel the blush take over my whole face as my teeth bite down on my lip.
“Behave yourself, my mum could come up here at any time, and unless you want to stay under my bed permanently, then you need to stop,” I whisper.
“I don’t see that as a problem…” Taking my fingers in his one hand, he cups my face in his other, “I can’t help it if you’re sexy.”
“I think we better see if we can get you out of that window.”
“Yeah, I suppose you’re right.”
I make my way to the window, open it out and look down. Jax stands behind me looking over my shoulder.
“Do you think you can get out of there?” I ask looking over my shoulder.
I frown questioning, “It’s a long way…”
“Nah, I’ll do it….
“Shelby,” Mum shouts up the stairs.
“Shit. You have to go before she comes back up here.”