Page 96 of The Reaper

“That sounds a little extreme. I’m going to live on the ranch. Maybe I could just keep your bed warm.”

I laughed. “That’s not happening.”

“Why? You certainly want me there often enough.”

“I do, but the more work you help us get done, the more time we get to spend there.”

He nodded. “There’s some logic in that.”

“I’m going to make a rancher out of you yet.”

“You’ve got plenty of time to try.”



Two Months Later


As I checked the length of the stirrups and the tightness of the girth, I thought about how far I’d come from the days when I did my best not to make eye contact with any of the horses at Paradise Ranch.

Rhys had accused me of being scared of them. An assassin is not scared of horses. I just didn’t like the way they looked at me or how I was sure that, given the chance, they would kick me across the barn. How could I trust them when their eyes were shifty?

Sometimes I still felt that way, and there were still a number of horses I wouldn’t ride unless Rhys’s life was in danger and they were the only hope I had of getting to him. Even then, I’d complain once I’d saved him.

But I’d told Rhys I’d do anything for him, and that included letting him give me riding lessons. Of course by “riding” he also meant grooming and feeding and general caretaking. I’d dreamed of lying in his bed, waiting for him every day. Now I was basically his stable boy, but I didn’t mind it as much as I pretended to because I was with him—the man I loved—most of the day, and that was good enough.

Rhys’s prediction had been right. Pumpkin, the mare I’d first seen him work with, was in fact a good girl now. Rhys would never be a good boy, and neither would I, but we’d learn to live with that.

I patted Pumpkin’s flank, then gave her a scratch behind her ears, which made her give a happy snuffle. She nosed at my pocket, and I pulled out one of her favorite peppermint treats.

“You’re going to spoil her,” Rhys said.

“I spoil you, so why not my horse?”

“Oh, she’s your horse now?”

“She’s the one you usually want me to ride, so…”

Rhys laid a hand on my shoulder. “Do you want a horse of your own, TJ?”


“You like Pumpkin?”

“I tolerate her.” She looked at me with her big brown eyes and snorted. Did that damn horse know what we were saying? “Fine. I like her.”

Rhys grinned. “I’m proud of you.”

I glared at him, but he just laughed and spanked my ass. “Mount up. We’re ready to ride.”

“That’s why you like this, isn’t it? Every damn thing about horseback riding sounds like sexual innuendo.”

He chuckled. “You know that’s why you like it too.”

“I don’t like it. I’m doing this for you.” Pumpkin snorted again. “Quit giving me away.”