Page 95 of The Reaper

“He’s probably long gone,” Rogue said.

I hated how sad my brother sounded. “What did he say to you?”

“He told me I should never have tried to stop him from being shot.”

“So you do remember what happened?”

“Yes, and don’t even bother yelling at me. It’s not going to do any good, and I’m sure it’s not good for my recovery.” He gave a pointed look to the nurse who was still fiddling with the equipment in his room.

“Why would they yell at you?” she asked. “You seem like such a nice young man.”

Oh, Lord. He’d already charmed her, and he hadn’t been in the room five minutes. He’d have every nurse on the floor wrapped around his finger before he left. “He jumped in front of a bullet for a friend.”

“Hmm. I can see how some yelling may be appropriate in that situation. I’ll leave you to work that out, and I’ll be back soon to check on you again.”

“Ghost told me he wasn’t worth it, but then he said thank you anyway. Before I could say anything to him, he left.”

I was about to ask what was going on between the two of them when Grant returned. “One of the nurses remembers seeing a blond man go past, but she doesn’t know where he went after that. I called Madison and left her a message to be on the lookout for him, but…”

“If he doesn’t want to be found, he’s not going to be,” Rogue said. “At least not now. Eventually, I’ll track him down.”

Everyone was silent after that pronouncement. Now wasn’t the time for me to tell Rogue how stupid I thought that idea was.

TJ was the first to break the silence. He took my hand in his and looked at Rogue, then Grant, then Jacob. “I’m not going back to Chicago. I’m staying at the ranch with Rhys.”

Jacob bounced up and down. “That’s fantastic. I’m so glad you’re staying.”

Rogue narrowed his eyes at TJ. “You remember what I said before about hurting Rhys? That stands forever and always.”

“I’m here to take care of him, not to hurt him.”

Grant frowned. “So you decided you were staying at the ranch without asking me?”

“Grant.” I glared at my brother.

He ignored me. “I thought you hated Texas and were scared of horses.”

“I’m not scared of them,” TJ insisted. “I don’t like them, but I don’t mind the ranch so much anymore.”

He looked at me, and I held his gaze.

Rogue made a disgusted sound. “That is also not good for my recovery. Take that mushy shit out of here.”

“That’s not a bad idea,” Grant said. “Rhys hasn’t eaten all day. TJ, go take care of him, but I don’t want to hear anything about the two of you being found naked in a supply closet or misusing some patient’s room.”

I flipped him off, and he just smiled. “Don’t act like it’s not a possibility. Jacob and I will stay right here and make sure Rogue doesn’t cause any more trouble.”

“That sounds good to me,” TJ said, then he focused on my twin. “Stay out of trouble. Do you have any idea how badly you scared Rhys?”

Rogue looked at me. We didn’t need words to communicate. I knew he was sorry, and I knew he’d also do it again if he felt like it was right.

“I love you, bro,” I said.

“I love you too.”

TJ wrapped his arm around me, and we headed out of the room. Now that Rogue was awake, I was content to let Grant and Jacob keep vigil by his side.

I squeezed TJ to me. “So you’re going to be a rancher now, huh?”